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KVSEDX Sales Header#


Name Type Note
Sell-to Customer No. Code[50]
No. Code[50]
Bill-to Customer No. Code[50]
Bill-to Name Text[100]
Bill-to Name 2 Text[100]
Bill-to Address Text[100]
Bill-to Address 2 Text[100]
Bill-to City Text[60]
Bill-to Contact Text[100]
Your Reference Text[60]
Ship-to Code Code[20]
Ship-to Name Text[100]
Ship-to Name 2 Text[100]
Ship-to Address Text[100]
Ship-to Address 2 Text[100]
Ship-to City Text[60]
Ship-to Contact Text[100]
Order Date Date
Payment Terms Code Code[20]
Due Date Date
Payment Discount % Decimal
Pmt. Discount Date Date
Shipment Method Code Code[20]
Currency Code Code[20]
Language Code Code[20]
Sell-to Customer Name Text[100]
Sell-to Customer Name 2 Text[100]
Sell-to Address Text[100]
Sell-to Address 2 Text[100]
Sell-to City Text[50]
Sell-to Contact Text[50]
Bill-to Post Code Code[50]
Bill-to County Text[30]
Bill-to Country/Region Code Code[50]
Sell-to Post Code Code[50]
Sell-to County Text[30]
Sell-to Country/Region Code Code[50]
Ship-to Post Code Code[60]
Ship-to County Text[30]
Ship-to Country/Region Code Code[50]
Document Date Date
External Document No. Code[50]
Payment Method Code Code[10]
Shipping Agent Code Code[50]
Quote No. Code[50]
Sell-to Phone No. Text[30]
Sell-to E-Mail Text[80]
Sell-to Contact No. Code[20]
Bill-to Contact No. Code[20]
Requested Delivery Date Date
Bill-to Name 3 Text[50] Warning: Obsolete
Ship-to Name 3 Text[50] Warning: Obsolete
Sell-to Customer Name 3 Text[50] Warning: Obsolete
Sales Order Type Code[10]
EDX Archived by Code[50]
EDX Archived Time Time
EDX Archived Date Date
EDX Sender Record ID RecordId
EDX Sender Country Code Code[50]
EDX Sender Post Code Code[20]
EDX Sender City Text[30]
EDX Sender Address 2 Text[50]
EDX Sender Address Text[50]
EDX Sender Name 2 Text[50]
EDX Sender Name Text[50]
EDX Sender No. Code[50]
EDX Sender County Text[30]
EDX Reassign Sell-to Customer Boolean
Automatic Processing Boolean
EDX Test Indicator Boolean
Purchase Document Type Enum Purchase Document Type
Purchase Order Type Code[10]
EDX Line Errors Boolean FlowField
Release NAV Document Boolean
EDX Confirmation Check Boolean
EDX Transmission ID Guid
EDX Customer Doc. No. Code[20]
NAV Document No Code[20]
EDX Message Log Integer FlowField
EDX Message Log Line Integer FlowField
Processed by Code[50]
Processing Time Time
Processed Date Date
Created by Code[50] Warning: Obsolete
Creation Time Time Warning: Obsolete
Creation Date Date Warning: Obsolete
EDX Errors Integer FlowField
EDX Errors Line Integer FlowField
EDX Partner No. Code[30]
EDX Status Enum (KVSEDX Status EDX Document)
EDX Document Type Enum (KVSEDX Sales Document Type)
Use Item Reference Boolean
Use Unit of Measure Mapping Boolean
EDX Document Code[30]
Sender GLN Code[13]
Sender VAT Registration No. Text[20]
Sell-to GLN Code[13]
Sell-to VAT Registration No. Text[20]
Ship-to GLN Code[13]
Ship-to VAT Registration No. Text[20]
Bill-to GLN Code[13]
Bill-to VAT Registration No. Text[20]
ILN Code[13]
EDX Shopping Basket Id Text[20]
EDX Credit Card Transaction Text[20]
Comment existing Boolean FlowField
EDX Plant Text[10]
EDX Unloading Point Text[15]
Sell-to E-Mail (old) Text[80] Warning: Obsolete
EDX Sender Contact Text[50]
EDX Sender Phone No. Text[30]
EDX Sender E-Mail Text[80]


LogModifys(Integer, Variant, Variant) :#

procedure LogModifys(fieldNoPar: Integer; ParOldValueVariant: Variant; ParNewValueVariant: Variant):