Name | Type | Note |
Primary Key | Code[10] | |
Path Documents | Text[200] | |
Subdirectory Test | Text[20] | |
Subdirectory Productive | Text[20] | |
Extension Vendor EDX Partner | Code[10] | |
Extension Customer EDX Partner | Code[10] | |
Setup Check Path | Boolean | FlowField |
Setup Check Document Types | Boolean | FlowField |
Setup Check Partner | Boolean | FlowField |
Setup Check Partner Setup | Boolean | FlowField |
Setup Count Document Types | Integer | FlowField |
Setup Count Partner | Integer | FlowField |
Setup Count Document Setup | Integer | FlowField |
EDX Order Nos. | Code[20] | |
EDX Order Conf. Nos. | Code[20] | |
EDX Order Change Nos. | Code[20] | |
EDX Purchase Receipt Nos. | Code[20] | |
EDX Purchase Invoice Nos. | Code[20] | |
EDX Purch. Order Conf. Nos. | Code[20] | |
EDX Purch. Order Change Nos. | Code[20] | |
EDX Purch. Cr. Memo Nos. | Code[20] | |
EDX Quote Nos. | Code[20] | |
EDX Quote Change Nos. | Code[20] | |
EDX Return Order Nos. | Code[20] | |
Test Environment | Boolean | |
Database Name | Text[60] | |
Webservice Log Inbound | Boolean | |
Webservice Log Outbound | Boolean | |
Error Mailaddress Receiver | Text[200] | |
Time Span Error Mailing | Integer | |
Disable XML Byte Order Mark | Boolean | |
Archive inbound older than | DateFormula | |
Archive outbound older than | DateFormula | |
JobQueue interval in seconds | Boolean | |
JobQueue V3.0 | Boolean | |
Tasks | Integer | FlowField |
Job Queue Entries | Integer | FlowField |
Company Filter | Text[30] | FlowFilter |
Stop jobqueue at message setup | Boolean | |
Archive from | Time | |
Archive to | Time | |
Use Interval for In-/Outbound | Boolean | |
Purchase suppress commit | Boolean | |
Sales suppress commit | Boolean | |
Activated | Boolean | |
Deactivate during upgrade | Boolean | |
IC Source Role | Enum (KVSEDX Wizard IC Source Role) | |
IC Source Code | Code[20] | |
IC Source Partner | Code[30] | |
IC Source Company | Text[30] | |
IC Source Code Invoice | Code[20] | |
IC Source Partner Invoice | Code[30] | |
IC Destination Code | Code[20] | |
IC Destination Partner | Code[30] | |
IC Destination Company | Text[30] | |
IC Destination Code Invoice | Code[20] | |
IC Destination Partner Invoice | Code[30] | |
IC Destination Company Id | Guid | |
IC Wizard Completed | Boolean | |
Wizard Function | Enum (KVSEDX Wizard Function) | |
Wizard Switches | Code[15] | |
Wizard Use Azure Storage | Boolean | |
Wizard Transm. Type for IC | Enum (KVSEDX Transmission Type IC) | |
Wizard Use Purch.Price | Boolean | |
Wizard OAuth Code | Code[20] | |
Wizard OAuth Code Dest. | Code[20] | |
Expiry period invoices | Duration | |
Expiry period shipments | Duration | |
Expiry period orders | Duration | |
Expiry period confirmations | Duration | |
Expiry period acknowledgements | Duration | |
Expiry period base data | Duration | |
Azure Storage Account Name | Text[250] | |
Azure Storage KeyStorageId | Guid | |
Azure Storage IsEnabled | Boolean | Warning: Obsolete |
Azure Storage Container | Text[64] | |
Azure Subdirectory Test | Text[20] | |
Azure Subdirectory Productive | Text[20] | |
Azure File Share | Text[64] | |
Maximum Nos. of Errors Records | Integer | |
Unit Test | Boolean | |
GS1 Weight UOM Code | Code[10] | |
GS1 Volume UOM Code | Code[10] | |
EDX System Folder | Text[100] |
TranslatePath(Record KVSEDX Document Setup) : Text#
Summary: Replaces placeholders present in the path. Example %ROOT_DIR% is replaced with the path from the setup
procedure TranslatePath(ParKVSEDXDocumentSetup: Record "KVSEDX Document Setup"): Text
: Path/FilenameTransmissionTypePar
: Transmission Type
Returns: new Path/Filename
TranslatePath(Record KVSEDX Document Setup, Boolean) : Text#
Summary: Replaces placeholders present in the path. Example %ROOT_DIR% is replaced with the path from the setup
procedure TranslatePath(ParKVSEDXDocumentSetup: Record "KVSEDX Document Setup"; UseShareOrStorageName: Boolean): Text
: Path/FilenameTransmissionTypePar
: Transmission Type
Returns: new Path/Filename
TranslatePath(Text, Enum KVSEDX Transmission Type, Boolean) : Text#
Summary: Replaces placeholders present in the path. Example %ROOT_DIR% is replaced with the path from the setup
procedure TranslatePath(FilenamePar: Text; TransmissionTypePar: Enum "KVSEDX Transmission Type"; UseShareOrStorageName: Boolean): Text
: Path/FilenameTransmissionTypePar
: Transmission Type
Returns: new Path/Filename
TranslatePath(Text, Enum KVSEDX Transmission Type) : Text#
Summary: Replaces placeholders present in the path. Example %ROOT_DIR% is replaced with the path from the setup
procedure TranslatePath(FilenamePar: Text; TransmissionTypePar: Enum "KVSEDX Transmission Type"): Text
: Path/FilenameTransmissionTypePar
: Transmission Type
Returns: new Path/Filename
TranslateFTPPath(Text, Enum KVSEDX Transmission Type) : Text#
Summary: Replaces placeholders present in the path. Example %ROOT_DIR% is replaced with the path from the setup
procedure TranslateFTPPath(FilenamePar: Text; TransmissionTypePar: Enum "KVSEDX Transmission Type"): Text
: Path/FilenameTransmissionTypePar
: Transmission Type
Returns: new Path/Filename
IsActivated() : Boolean#
procedure IsActivated(): Boolean
OnExpiryOfStoragePeriod(Record KVSEDX Document Types, Duration, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnExpiryOfStoragePeriod(DocumentTypes: Record "KVSEDX Document Types"; var Expiry: Duration; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSEDX Setup", 'OnExpiryOfStoragePeriod', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnExpiryOfStoragePeriod(DocumentTypes: Record "KVSEDX Document Types"; var Expiry: Duration; var IsHandled: Boolean)
OnAfterInitializeExpiryOfStoragePeriod(Record KVSEDX Setup) :#
Summary: This event is fired by the EDX Assistant when the "Expiry Storage period" selection is made. Further storage period fields can be initialised.
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnAfterInitializeExpiryOfStoragePeriod(var EDXSetup: Record "KVSEDX Setup"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSEDX Setup", 'OnAfterInitializeExpiryOfStoragePeriod', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterInitializeExpiryOfStoragePeriod(var EDXSetup: Record "KVSEDX Setup")
OnLicenseCount(Integer, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnLicenseCount(var NumberofLicensedClients: Integer; var Handled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSEDX Setup", 'OnLicenseCount', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnLicenseCount(var NumberofLicensedClients: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)