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Name Type Note
Primary Key Code[10]
Path Documents Text[200]
Subdirectory Test Text[20]
Subdirectory Productive Text[20]
Extension Vendor EDX Partner Code[10]
Extension Customer EDX Partner Code[10]
Setup Check Path Boolean FlowField
Setup Check Document Types Boolean FlowField
Setup Check Partner Boolean FlowField
Setup Check Partner Setup Boolean FlowField
Setup Count Document Types Integer FlowField
Setup Count Partner Integer FlowField
Setup Count Document Setup Integer FlowField
EDX Order Nos. Code[20]
EDX Order Conf. Nos. Code[20]
EDX Order Change Nos. Code[20]
EDX Purchase Receipt Nos. Code[20]
EDX Purchase Invoice Nos. Code[20]
EDX Purch. Order Conf. Nos. Code[20]
EDX Purch. Order Change Nos. Code[20]
EDX Purch. Cr. Memo Nos. Code[20]
EDX Quote Nos. Code[20]
EDX Quote Change Nos. Code[20]
EDX Return Order Nos. Code[20]
Test Environment Boolean
Database Name Text[60]
Webservice Log Inbound Boolean
Webservice Log Outbound Boolean
Error Mailaddress Receiver Text[200]
Time Span Error Mailing Integer
Disable XML Byte Order Mark Boolean
Archive inbound older than DateFormula
Archive outbound older than DateFormula
JobQueue interval in seconds Boolean
JobQueue V3.0 Boolean
Tasks Integer FlowField
Job Queue Entries Integer FlowField
Company Filter Text[30] FlowFilter
Stop jobqueue at message setup Boolean
Archive from Time
Archive to Time
Use Interval for In-/Outbound Boolean
Purchase suppress commit Boolean
Sales suppress commit Boolean
IC Source Role Enum (KVSEDX Wizard IC Source Role)
IC Source Code Code[20]
IC Source Partner Code[30]
IC Source Company Text[30]
IC Source Code Invoice Code[20]
IC Source Partner Invoice Code[30]
IC Destination Code Code[20]
IC Destination Partner Code[30]
IC Destination Company Text[30]
IC Destination Code Invoice Code[20]
IC Destination Partner Invoice Code[30]
IC Destination Company Id Guid
IC Wizard Completed Boolean
Wizard Function Enum (KVSEDX Wizard Function)
Wizard Switches Code[15]
Wizard Use Azure Storage Boolean
Wizard Transm. Type for IC Enum (KVSEDX Transmission Type IC)
Wizard Use Purch.Price Boolean
Wizard OAuth Code Code[20]
Wizard OAuth Code Dest. Code[20]
Expiry period invoices Duration
Expiry period shipments Duration
Expiry period orders Duration
Expiry period confirmations Duration
Expiry period acknowledgements Duration
Expiry period base data Duration
Azure Storage Account Name Text[250]
Azure Storage KeyStorageId Guid
Azure Storage IsEnabled Boolean
Azure Storage Container Text[64]
Azure Subdirectory Test Text[20]
Azure Subdirectory Productive Text[20]
Azure File Share Text[64]
Maximum Nos. of Errors Records Integer
Unit Test Boolean
GS1 Weight UOM Code Code[10]
GS1 Volume UOM Code Code[10]
EDX System Folder Text[100]


TranslatePath(Record KVSEDX Document Setup) : Text#

Summary: Replaces placeholders present in the path. Example %ROOT_DIR% is replaced with the path from the setup

procedure TranslatePath(ParKVSEDXDocumentSetup: Record "KVSEDX Document Setup"): Text


  • FilenamePar: Path/Filename
  • TransmissionTypePar: Transmission Type

Returns: new Path/Filename

TranslatePath(Text, Enum KVSEDX Transmission Type) : Text#

Summary: Replaces placeholders present in the path. Example %ROOT_DIR% is replaced with the path from the setup

procedure TranslatePath(FilenamePar: Text; TransmissionTypePar: Enum "KVSEDX Transmission Type"): Text


  • FilenamePar: Path/Filename
  • TransmissionTypePar: Transmission Type

Returns: new Path/Filename

TranslateFTPPath(Text, Enum KVSEDX Transmission Type) : Text#

Summary: Replaces placeholders present in the path. Example %ROOT_DIR% is replaced with the path from the setup

procedure TranslateFTPPath(FilenamePar: Text; TransmissionTypePar: Enum "KVSEDX Transmission Type"): Text


  • FilenamePar: Path/Filename
  • TransmissionTypePar: Transmission Type

Returns: new Path/Filename


OnExpiryOfStoragePeriod(Record KVSEDX Document Types, Duration, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnExpiryOfStoragePeriod(DocumentTypes: Record "KVSEDX Document Types"; var Expiry: Duration; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSEDX Setup", 'OnExpiryOfStoragePeriod', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnExpiryOfStoragePeriod(DocumentTypes: Record "KVSEDX Document Types"; var Expiry: Duration; var IsHandled: Boolean)

OnAfterInitializeExpiryOfStoragePeriod(Record KVSEDX Setup) :#

Summary: This event is fired by the EDX Assistant when the "Expiry Storage period" selection is made. Further storage period fields can be initialised.

[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnAfterInitializeExpiryOfStoragePeriod(var EDXSetup: Record "KVSEDX Setup"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSEDX Setup", 'OnAfterInitializeExpiryOfStoragePeriod', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterInitializeExpiryOfStoragePeriod(var EDXSetup: Record "KVSEDX Setup")

OnLicenseCount(Integer, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnLicenseCount(var NumberofLicensedClients: Integer; var Handled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSEDX Setup", 'OnLicenseCount', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnLicenseCount(var NumberofLicensedClients: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)