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Name Type Note
Entry No. Integer
Level Integer
E+D-Position Code[50]
View Sorting Text[100]
Operation No. Code[10]
Type Option OptionMembers: ,Item,Production BOM,Work Center,Machine Center,,Opportunity Cost,,,,Functional Level,Logistic Level
No. Code[20]
Variant Code Code[10]
Item Version Code Code[20]
Description Text[100]
Description 2 Text[50]
Unit of Measure Code Code[10]
Routing Link Code Code[10]
Position Code[10]
Position 2 Code[10]
Position 3 Code[10]
Length Decimal
Width Decimal
Weight Decimal
Depth Decimal
Quantity Per Decimal
Prod. Unit of Measure Code Code[10] Warning: Obsolete
Qty. per Prod. Unit of Measure Decimal Warning: Obsolete
Dimension Set ID Integer
Production Modification Found Boolean
Prod. BOM Status Option OptionMembers: New,Certified,Under Development,Closed,,,,,
Production BOM No. Code[20]
Production BOM Version Code Code[20]
Prod. BOM Status Bitmap Blob
Production Modification Bitmap Blob
Routing Status Option OptionMembers: New,Certified,Under Development,Closed,,,,,
Routing No. Code[20]
Routing Version Code Code[20]
Routing Status Bitmap Blob
Replenishment System Enum Replenishment System
Manufacturing Policy Option OptionMembers: Make-to-Stock,Make-to-Order,,,,,
Date Traffic Light Option Warning: Obsolete
OptionMembers: ,green,yellow,red to late,red to early
Qty. Traffic Light Option Warning: Obsolete
OptionMembers: ,green,yellow,red deficit,red cover
Date Traffic Light Bitmap Blob Warning: Obsolete
Quantity Traffic Light Bitmap Blob Warning: Obsolete
Demanded By Text[100]
From Type Integer
From Subtype Integer
From ID Code[20]
From Batch Name Code[10]
From Prod. Order Line Integer
From Ref. No. Integer
Lead-Time Offset DateFormula
Demand Date Date
Demand Quantity Decimal
Demand Qty. (Base) Decimal
Reserved Demand Quantity Decimal
Reserved Demand Qty. (Base) Decimal
Remaining Demand Quantity Decimal
Remaining Demand Qty. (Base) Decimal
Location Code Code[10]
Projected Available Balance Decimal
Reserved Qty. on Stock (Base) Decimal
Qty. per Unit of Measure Decimal
Bin Code Code[20]
Supplied By Text[100]
For Type Integer
For Subtype Integer
For ID Code[20]
For Batch Name Code[10]
For Prod. Order Line Integer
For Ref. No. Integer
Quantity Decimal
Quantity (Base) Decimal
Due Date Date
Remaining Quantity Decimal
Remaining Qty. (Base) Decimal
Reserved Quantity Decimal
Reserved Qty. (Base) Decimal
Duration Duration
Qty. in Requisition Line Decimal
Qty. in Req. Line (Base) Decimal
Finished Quantity Decimal
Finished Quantity (Base) Decimal
Total Duration Duration
Sales Order No. Code[20]
Job No. Code[20]
Comment Text[250]
Vendor No. Code[20]
Same Part Option OptionMembers: ,Only Supply Site,Both Sites
Type Of Part Provided Option OptionMembers: ,Order Related,Neutral,Vendor
Prod. Order Status Option OptionMembers: Simulated,Planned,Firm Planned,Released,Finished,
Prod. Order No. Code[20]
Starting Date-Time DateTime
Ending Date-Time DateTime
Calculate Routing Option OptionMembers: No,Hide Sec. Rtng. Lines,Show Sec. Rtng. Lines
Structure explosion Option Warning: Obsolete
OptionMembers: constructional,for planning purposal,functional,logistic,for planning purposal total
Different Production Order Boolean
Structure View Enum (KVSFCYEDView)
Prod. Order Line No. Integer
Prod. Order Comp. Line No. Integer
Prod. Order Routing Ref. No. Integer
Planned Time (ms) Decimal Warning: Obsolete
Used Time (ms) Decimal Warning: Obsolete
Outstanding Time (ms) Decimal Warning: Obsolete
Planned Time Decimal
Used Time Decimal
Outstanding Time Decimal
Used Time % Decimal
E+D Job No. Code[20]
KVSFCYEDManufacturingPolicy Option OptionMembers: ,Make-to-Stock,Make-to-Order
E+D Prod. Part Order Status Option OptionMembers: Simulated,Planned,Firm Planned,Released,Finished
E+D Prod. Part Order No. Code[20]
E+D Prod. Part Order Line No. Integer
E+D Prod. Part Comp. Line No. Integer
Job Reference Code[20]
Job Task Reference Integer
Job Planning Line Reference Integer
Job Ref. Task No. Code[20]
Job Ref. Plan. Line No. Integer
Long-Dated Items Boolean FlowField
Long-Dated Item Rel Qty (Base) Decimal FlowField
Attached to Operation No. Code[10]
Attached to Subtable Option OptionMembers: ,Personnel,Tool
Attached to Subtable Line No. Integer
Secondary Operation Boolean
Up-to-dateness of Unit Cost Date
Type of Unit Cost Option OptionMembers: ,Actual,Calculated
Reworked Boolean
Direct Unit Cost Decimal
Unit Cost Decimal
Cost Amount Decimal
Rolled-up Material Cost Decimal
Rolled-up Material Ovhd Cost Decimal
Rolled-up Capacity Cost Decimal
Rolled-up Cap. Overhead Cost Decimal
Rolled-up Subcontracted Cost Decimal
Rolled-up Subcon. Ovhd Cost Decimal
Rolled-up Mfg. Ovhd Cost Decimal
Single Level Mfg. Ovhd Cost Decimal
Calculation Quantity Decimal
Calculation Qty. (Base) Decimal
Pro-rata Calc. Quantity Decimal
Pro-rata Calc. Qty. (Base) Decimal
Factor Qty./Total Qty. Hi.Lvl. Decimal
Dispatch Unit Code Code[20]
Job Specific Dispatch Unit Cod Boolean
Qty. to transfer in Disp. Unit Decimal
Dispatch corresponds Component Boolean
Disp. Unit Prod. Order Line No Integer
Disp. Unit PO Comp. Line No. Integer


SetFactoryBitmaps() :#

procedure SetFactoryBitmaps(): 

RoundDurations(Option) :#

procedure RoundDurations(DurationPrecisionPar: Option): 

RoundDuration(Duration, Option) :#

procedure RoundDuration(var DurationVar: Duration; DurationPrecisionPar: Option):