Name | Type | Note |
Entry No. | Integer | |
Level | Integer | |
E+D-Position | Code[50] | |
View Sorting | Text[100] | |
Operation No. | Code[10] | |
Type | Option | OptionMembers: ,Item,Production BOM,Work Center,Machine Center,,Opportunity Cost,,,,Functional Level,Logistic Level |
No. | Code[20] | |
Variant Code | Code[10] | |
Item Version Code | Code[20] | |
Description | Text[100] | |
Description 2 | Text[50] | |
Unit of Measure Code | Code[10] | |
Routing Link Code | Code[10] | |
Position | Code[10] | |
Position 2 | Code[10] | |
Position 3 | Code[10] | |
Length | Decimal | |
Width | Decimal | |
Weight | Decimal | |
Depth | Decimal | |
Quantity Per | Decimal | |
Prod. Unit of Measure Code | Code[10] | Warning: Obsolete |
Qty. per Prod. Unit of Measure | Decimal | Warning: Obsolete |
Dimension Set ID | Integer | |
Production Modification Found | Boolean | |
Prod. BOM Status | Option | OptionMembers: New,Certified,Under Development,Closed,,,,, |
Production BOM No. | Code[20] | |
Production BOM Version Code | Code[20] | |
Prod. BOM Status Bitmap | Blob | |
Production Modification Bitmap | Blob | |
Routing Status | Option | OptionMembers: New,Certified,Under Development,Closed,,,,, |
Routing No. | Code[20] | |
Routing Version Code | Code[20] | |
Routing Status Bitmap | Blob | |
Replenishment System | Enum Replenishment System | |
Manufacturing Policy | Option | OptionMembers: Make-to-Stock,Make-to-Order,,,,, |
Date Traffic Light | Option | Warning: Obsolete OptionMembers: ,green,yellow,red to late,red to early |
Qty. Traffic Light | Option | Warning: Obsolete OptionMembers: ,green,yellow,red deficit,red cover |
Date Traffic Light Bitmap | Blob | Warning: Obsolete |
Quantity Traffic Light Bitmap | Blob | Warning: Obsolete |
Demanded By | Text[100] | |
From Type | Integer | |
From Subtype | Integer | |
From ID | Code[20] | |
From Batch Name | Code[10] | |
From Prod. Order Line | Integer | |
From Ref. No. | Integer | |
Lead-Time Offset | DateFormula | |
Demand Date | Date | |
Demand Quantity | Decimal | |
Demand Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
Reserved Demand Quantity | Decimal | |
Reserved Demand Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
Remaining Demand Quantity | Decimal | |
Remaining Demand Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
Location Code | Code[10] | |
Projected Available Balance | Decimal | |
Reserved Qty. on Stock (Base) | Decimal | |
Qty. per Unit of Measure | Decimal | |
Bin Code | Code[20] | |
Supplied By | Text[100] | |
For Type | Integer | |
For Subtype | Integer | |
For ID | Code[20] | |
For Batch Name | Code[10] | |
For Prod. Order Line | Integer | |
For Ref. No. | Integer | |
Quantity | Decimal | |
Quantity (Base) | Decimal | |
Due Date | Date | |
Remaining Quantity | Decimal | |
Remaining Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
Reserved Quantity | Decimal | |
Reserved Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
Duration | Duration | |
Qty. in Requisition Line | Decimal | |
Qty. in Req. Line (Base) | Decimal | |
Finished Quantity | Decimal | |
Finished Quantity (Base) | Decimal | |
Total Duration | Duration | |
Sales Order No. | Code[20] | |
Job No. | Code[20] | |
Comment | Text[250] | |
Vendor No. | Code[20] | |
Same Part | Option | OptionMembers: ,Only Supply Site,Both Sites |
Type Of Part Provided | Option | OptionMembers: ,Order Related,Neutral,Vendor |
Prod. Order Status | Option | OptionMembers: Simulated,Planned,Firm Planned,Released,Finished, |
Prod. Order No. | Code[20] | |
Starting Date-Time | DateTime | |
Ending Date-Time | DateTime | |
Calculate Routing | Enum (KVSFCYCalcRoutingType) | |
Structure explosion | Option | Warning: Obsolete OptionMembers: constructional,for planning purposal,functional,logistic,for planning purposal total |
Different Production Order | Boolean | |
Structure View | Enum (KVSFCYEDView) | |
Prod. Order Line No. | Integer | |
Prod. Order Comp. Line No. | Integer | |
Prod. Order Routing Ref. No. | Integer | |
Planned Time (ms) | Decimal | Warning: Obsolete |
Used Time (ms) | Decimal | Warning: Obsolete |
Outstanding Time (ms) | Decimal | Warning: Obsolete |
Planned Time | Decimal | |
Used Time | Decimal | |
Outstanding Time | Decimal | |
Used Time % | Decimal | |
E+D Job No. | Code[20] | |
KVSFCYEDManufacturingPolicy | Option | OptionMembers: ,Make-to-Stock,Make-to-Order |
E+D Prod. Part Order Status | Option | OptionMembers: Simulated,Planned,Firm Planned,Released,Finished |
E+D Prod. Part Order No. | Code[20] | |
E+D Prod. Part Order Line No. | Integer | |
E+D Prod. Part Comp. Line No. | Integer | |
Job Reference | Code[20] | |
Job Task Reference | Integer | |
Job Planning Line Reference | Integer | |
Job Ref. Task No. | Code[20] | |
Job Ref. Plan. Line No. | Integer | |
Long-Dated Items | Boolean | FlowField |
Long-Dated Item Rel Qty (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Attached to Operation No. | Code[10] | |
Attached to Subtable | Option | OptionMembers: ,Personnel,Tool |
Attached to Subtable Line No. | Integer | |
Secondary Operation | Boolean | |
Up-to-dateness of Unit Cost | Date | |
Type of Unit Cost | Option | OptionMembers: ,Actual,Calculated |
Reworked | Boolean | Warning: Obsolete |
Direct Unit Cost | Decimal | |
Unit Cost | Decimal | |
Cost Amount | Decimal | |
Rolled-up Material Cost | Decimal | |
Rolled-up Material Ovhd Cost | Decimal | |
Rolled-up Capacity Cost | Decimal | |
Rolled-up Cap. Overhead Cost | Decimal | |
Rolled-up Subcontracted Cost | Decimal | |
Rolled-up Subcon. Ovhd Cost | Decimal | |
Rolled-up Mfg. Ovhd Cost | Decimal | |
Single Level Mfg. Ovhd Cost | Decimal | |
Calculation Quantity | Decimal | |
Calculation Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
Pro-rata Calc. Quantity | Decimal | |
Pro-rata Calc. Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
Factor Qty./Total Qty. Hi.Lvl. | Decimal | |
Dispatch Unit Code | Code[20] | |
Job Specific Dispatch Unit Cod | Boolean | |
Qty. to transfer in Disp. Unit | Decimal | |
Dispatch corresponds Component | Boolean | |
Disp. Unit Prod. Order Line No | Integer | |
Disp. Unit PO Comp. Line No. | Integer |
SetFactoryBitmaps() :#
procedure SetFactoryBitmaps():
RoundDurations(Enum KVSFCYDurationPrecision) :#
procedure RoundDurations(DurationPrecisionPar: Enum "KVSFCYDurationPrecision"):
RoundDuration(Duration, Enum KVSFCYDurationPrecision) :#
procedure RoundDuration(var DurationVar: Duration; DurationPrecisionPar: Enum "KVSFCYDurationPrecision"):