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Name Type Note
Import Entry No. BigInteger
Entry No. BigInteger
Status Enum (KVSFCYEtagisImportStatus)
Import Table ID Integer
Error Text Text[2048]
Import Content Blob
Process DateTime DateTime
Number of Attempts Integer
Source Record ID RecordId
Source SystemID Guid
Source Type Integer
Source Subtype Option OptionMembers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Source ID Code[20]
Source Batch Name Code[10]
Source Prod. Order Line Integer
Source Ref. No. Integer
Source Routing No. Code[20]
Source Operation No. Code[10]


OnAfterSetSourceFilter(Record KVSFCYEtagisImportEntryLine, Integer, Integer, Code[20], Integer, Code[10], Integer, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetSourceFilter(var KVSFCYEtagisImportEntryLine: Record "KVSFCYEtagisImportEntryLine"; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceID: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; SourceBatchName: Code[10]; SourceProdOrderLine: Integer; SourceKey: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSFCYEtagisImportEntryLine", 'OnAfterSetSourceFilter', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterSetSourceFilter(var KVSFCYEtagisImportEntryLine: Record "KVSFCYEtagisImportEntryLine"; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceID: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; SourceBatchName: Code[10]; SourceProdOrderLine: Integer; SourceKey: Boolean)