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Name Type Note
No. Code[20]
Buy-from Vendor No. Code[20]
Item No. Code[20]
Item Description Text[100]
Item Description 2 Text[50]
Item No. 2 Code[20] FlowField
Purchase Unit of Measure Code Code[10]
Variant Code Code[10]
Vendor Item No. Text[50]
Order Address Code Code[10]
Location Code Code[10]
Bin Code Code[20]
Vendor Order No. Text[20]
Plant Text[5]
Unloading Point Text[5]
Status Enum (KVSFCYPurchDelSchedStatus)
Blocked Boolean
Changed Boolean
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Code[20]
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Code[20]
Problematic Boolean
Changed by Code[50]
Changed on Date
Material Release Period DateFormula
Production Release Period DateFormula
Valid until Date
Target Quantity Decimal
Last Outb.Rel. Order Sent Date Date FlowField
Preview Quantity (Week) DateFormula
Preview Quantity (Month) DateFormula
Creation Date Date
Assigned User ID Code[50]
Buy-from Name Text[100]
Buy-from Name 2 Text[50]
Buy-from Address Text[100]
Buy-from Address 2 Text[50]
Buy-from City Text[30]
Buy-from Post Code Code[20]
Buy-from Country/Region Code Code[10]
Purchaser Code Code[20]
Last Outb.Rel. Order Sent Time Time FlowField
Lead Time Calculation DateFormula
Inbound Whse. Handling Time DateFormula
Safety Lead Time DateFormula
Autom. Rel. Outbound Releases Boolean
Unit Cost (Last Release) Decimal
Currency Code (Last Release) Code[10]
Currency Factor (Last Release) Decimal
Line Discount % (Last Release) Decimal
Language Code Code[10]
Reset Date Cumulative Quantity Date
Reached Reset Cumul. Quantity Decimal
No. Series Code[20]
Expected Receipt Date Filter Date FlowFilter
Dimension Set ID Integer


OnDelActPDelSchedEntriesOnBeforeFindBufferTable(Record KVSFCYPurchDelScheduleHeader, Record KVSFCYPurchDelSchedLineBuffer) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnDelActPDelSchedEntriesOnBeforeFindBufferTable(KVSFCYPurchDelScheduleHeader: Record "KVSFCYPurchDelScheduleHeader"; var TempKVSFCYPurchDelSchedLineBuffer: Record "KVSFCYPurchDelSchedLineBuffer" temporary): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSFCYPurchDelScheduleHeader", 'OnDelActPDelSchedEntriesOnBeforeFindBufferTable', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnDelActPDelSchedEntriesOnBeforeFindBufferTable(KVSFCYPurchDelScheduleHeader: Record "KVSFCYPurchDelScheduleHeader"; var TempKVSFCYPurchDelSchedLineBuffer: Record "KVSFCYPurchDelSchedLineBuffer" temporary)