Name | Type | Note |
Call No. | Code[20] | |
Line No. | Integer | |
Contact No. | Code[20] | |
Type | Enum (KVSKBACLLCallPosition) | |
No. | Code[20] | |
Description | Text[100] | |
Unit of Measure Code | Code[10] | |
Quantity | Decimal | |
Variant Code | Code[10] | |
Description 2 | Text[50] | FlowField |
Document No. | Code[20] | |
Document Line No. | Integer | |
Source Type | Integer | |
Source Subtype | Integer | |
Document Type | Enum (KVSKBACLLCallPositionDocType) | |
Price Unit | Decimal | |
Line Discount % | Decimal | |
Unit Price | Decimal | |
Unit Price (Price Unit) | Decimal | |
Amount | Decimal | |
VAT % | Decimal | |
Prices Including VAT | Boolean | |
Location Code | Code[10] | |
Bin Code | Code[20] | |
Line Discount Amount | Decimal | |
Price Origin | Enum (KVSKBACLLPriceDiscountOrigin) | |
Line Discount Origin | Enum (KVSKBACLLPriceDiscountOrigin) | |
Serial No. | Code[50] | |
Serial Information Card | Boolean | FlowField |
Lot No. | Code[50] | |
Expiration Date | Date | |
Qty. per Unit of Measure | Decimal | |
Quantity (Base) | Decimal | |
Posting Code | Code[10] | Warning: Obsolete |
Blocked | Boolean | FlowField |
Sales Blocked | Boolean | FlowField |
Purchasing Blocked | Boolean | FlowField |
Blocked Service | Boolean | FlowField |
Variant Mandatory | Boolean | Warning: Obsolete FlowField |
Item Tracking Code | Code[10] | FlowField |
Sales Variant Blocked | Boolean | FlowField |
Purchase Variant Blocked | Boolean | FlowField |
Service Variant Blocked | Boolean | FlowField |
Variant Description | Text[100] | FlowField |
Variant Description 2 | Text[50] | FlowField |
No. of Variants | Integer | FlowField |
Serial No. Blocked | Boolean | FlowField |
Lot No. Blocked | Boolean | FlowField |
Variant Mandatory if Exists | Option | OptionMembers: Default,No,Yes FlowField |
Orig. Source Type | Integer | |
Orig. Source Subtype | Integer | |
Orig. Document No. | Code[20] | |
Orig. Document Line No. | Integer | |
Production Date | Date | |
Ext. Lot No. | Code[50] |
GetCurrencyCode() : Code[10]#
procedure GetCurrencyCode(): Code[10]
UpdateAmounts() :#
procedure UpdateAmounts():
OnBeforeGetItemInfo(Record KVSKBACLLCallPosition) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeGetItemInfo(var Rec: Record "KVSKBACLLCallPosition"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBACLLCallPosition", 'OnBeforeGetItemInfo', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeGetItemInfo(var Rec: Record "KVSKBACLLCallPosition")
OnSNNotEmptyInGetItemInfo(Record KVSKBACLLCallPosition) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnSNNotEmptyInGetItemInfo(var Rec: Record "KVSKBACLLCallPosition"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBACLLCallPosition", 'OnSNNotEmptyInGetItemInfo', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnSNNotEmptyInGetItemInfo(var Rec: Record "KVSKBACLLCallPosition")
OnBeforeUpdateAmounts(Record KVSKBACLLCallPosition, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
procedure OnBeforeUpdateAmounts(var Rec: Record "KVSKBACLLCallPosition"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBACLLCallPosition", 'OnBeforeUpdateAmounts', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeUpdateAmounts(var Rec: Record "KVSKBACLLCallPosition"; var IsHandled: Boolean)