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Name Type Note
Activity Type Option OptionMembers: ,Put-away,Pick,Movement,Invt. Put-away,Invt. Pick
No. Code[20]
Line No. Integer
Source Type Integer
Source Subtype Option OptionMembers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Source No. Code[20]
Source Line No. Integer
Source Subline No. Integer
Source Document Enum (KVSKBADispatchSourceDocType)
Location Code Code[10]
Shelf No. Code[10]
Sorting Sequence No. Integer
Item No. Code[20]
Variant Code Code[10]
Unit of Measure Code Code[10]
Qty. per Unit of Measure Decimal
Description Text[100]
Description 2 Text[50]
Quantity Decimal
Qty. (Base) Decimal
Qty. Outstanding Decimal
Qty. Outstanding (Base) Decimal
Qty. to Handle Decimal
Qty. to Handle (Base) Decimal
Qty. Handled Decimal
Qty. Handled (Base) Decimal
Shipping Advice Enum Sales Header Shipping Advice
Due Date Date
Destination Type Enum Warehouse Destination Type
Destination No. Code[20]
Shipping Agent Code Code[10]
Shipping Agent Service Code Code[10]
Shipment Method Code Code[10]
Starting Date Date
Service Item No. Code[20]
Posted Invoice No. Code[20]
Length Decimal
Width Decimal
Height Decimal
Gross Weight (Scale) Decimal
Weight per Unit of Measure Decimal
Gross Weight Decimal
Tara Decimal
Package Tracking No. Text[30] Warning: Obsolete
Item Qty. Per Carrier Decimal
Group Integer Warning: Obsolete
Packing Group Code[15] Warning: Obsolete
Package Superior Line No. Integer
Package Level No. Integer
Package Sequence Line No. Integer
Package Sequence No. Integer
Package Structure Code[50]
Carrier ID Obligation Boolean
Carrier ID Text[50]
Additional Package Boolean
Empty Package Boolean
Carrier Posting Type Enum (KVSKBACarrierPostingType)
Packing Suggestion Group Code[20]
Packing Suggestion No. Code[20]
Packing Suggestion Status Enum (KVSKBAPackingSuggestionStatus) FlowField
Dispatch Location Code Code[10]
Outbound Pack. Location Code Code[10]
Outbound Pack. Bin Code Code[20]
Inbound Pack. Location Code Code[10]
Inbound Pack. Bin Code Code[20]
Serial No. Code[50]
Lot No. Code[50]
Warranty Date Date
Expiration Date Date
Production Date Date
Ext. Lot No. Code[50]
Package No. Code[50]
Bin Code Code[20]
Zone Code Code[10]
Whse. Document Type Option OptionMembers: ,Receipt,Shipment,Internal Put-away,Internal Pick,Production,Movement Worksheet,Invt. Pick,Posted Sales Shipment,Posted Return Shipment,Posted Transfer Shipment,Pick,Posted Service Shipment
Whse. Document No. Code[20]
Whse. Document Line No. Integer
Net Weight Decimal
Document Line Type Option OptionMembers: ,Account (G/L),Item,Resource,Fixed Asset,Charge (Item),Carrier
Document Line No. Code[20]
Print Label Boolean
KVSKBA V-LOG Value of Goods Decimal
KVSKBAV-LOGValueOfGoodsComment Text[200]


SplitLine(Record KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine) :#

Summary: Call this procecure to split the line.

procedure SplitLine(var DispatchHandlingLine: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"): 


  • DispatchHandlingLine:

TestStatusOpen() :#

procedure TestStatusOpen(): 

CalculateLineWeight() :#

Summary: This function calculates the weight fields for a dispatch handling order line

procedure CalculateLineWeight(): 

GetNextSequenceLineNo(Code[20], Integer) : Integer#

Summary: This function calculates the next level sequence line no

procedure GetNextSequenceLineNo(DispatchHandlingOrderNo: Code[20]; PackageSuperiorLineNo: Integer): Integer


  • DispatchHandlingOrderNo: Dispatch Handling Order No. as Code is the document in which to search
  • PackageSuperiorLineNo: Packaging Parent Line No. is the associated parent package line no.

Returns: Next Sequence Line No as Integer

GetNextOrderLineNo(Code[20]) : Integer#

Summary: This function calculates the next order line no

procedure GetNextOrderLineNo(DispatchHandlingOrderNo: Code[20]): Integer


  • DispatchHandlingOrderNo: Dispatch Handling Order No. as Code is the document in which to search


GetValueOfGoods() : Boolean#

Summary: This function calculates the value of the goods for a dispatch handling order line

procedure GetValueOfGoods(): Boolean

Returns: Boolean, returns whether the value could be written without a comment


OnAfterLookUpSerialNoOnElse(Record KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine, Boolean) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('This procedure is no longer supported.', '23.3')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterLookUpSerialNoOnElse(Rec: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine", 'OnAfterLookUpSerialNoOnElse', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterLookUpSerialNoOnElse(Rec: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

OnAfterLookUpInLotNoOnElse(Record KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine, Boolean) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('This procedure is no longer supported.', '23.3')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterLookUpInLotNoOnElse(Rec: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine", 'OnAfterLookUpInLotNoOnElse', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterLookUpInLotNoOnElse(Rec: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

OnBeforeCalculateLineWeight(Record KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCalculateLineWeight(var KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine", 'OnBeforeCalculateLineWeight', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeCalculateLineWeight(var KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

OnAfterSplitLine(Record KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine, Record KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine, Record KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSplitLine(var xKVSKBADispatchHandlingLine: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var NewKVSKBADispatchHandlingLine: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine", 'OnAfterSplitLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterSplitLine(var xKVSKBADispatchHandlingLine: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var NewKVSKBADispatchHandlingLine: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine")

OnBeforeGetValueOfGoods(Record KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine, Record KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine, Boolean, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeGetValueOfGoods(var Rec: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var xRec: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var LineValue: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine", 'OnBeforeGetValueOfGoods', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeGetValueOfGoods(var Rec: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var xRec: Record "KVSKBADispatchHandlingLine"; var LineValue: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)