Name | Type | Note |
Primary Key | Code[10] | |
Reminder Intervall | DateFormula | |
No. Series | Code[20] | |
Purchase Order Type | Code[10] | |
Decline Mail | Option | OptionMembers: ,All,Previous |
Extended Text Release | Integer | |
Extended Text Declined | Integer | |
Extended Text Order | Integer | |
E-Mail Notification | Boolean | |
Order Quote Instruction | Blob | |
Global Dimension 1 Code | Code[20] | |
Global Dimension 2 Code | Code[20] | |
Show Instructions | Option | OptionMembers: Not Show,Show in Register,Show in Factbox |
Field Check Order Quote | Boolean | |
ArchivePRequestafterdeclined | Boolean | |
KVSKBACodeofSpecialNotes | Code[10] |
ValidateShortcutDimCode(Integer, Code[20]) :#
Summary: Validates and saves a shortcut dimension code for a specific dimension field number.
procedure ValidateShortcutDimCode(FieldNumber: Integer; var ShortcutDimCode: Code[20]):
: Integer - The field number of the dimension to validate.ShortcutDimCode
: Code[20] - The shortcut dimension code to validate and save.
Remarks: The function performs the following steps: - Triggers OnBeforeValidateShortcutDimCode event - Validates the dimension value code - Saves the default dimension if record is not temporary - Modifies the record if changes were made - Triggers OnAfterValidateShortcutDimCode event
OnAfterValidateShortcutDimCode(Record KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup, Record KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup, Integer, Code[20]) :#
Summary: Integration Event that will be raised after the shortcut dimension code is validated.
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterValidateShortcutDimCode(var KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup: Record "KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup"; var xKVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup: Record "KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup"; FieldNumber: Integer; var ShortcutDimCode: Code[20]):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup", 'OnAfterValidateShortcutDimCode', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterValidateShortcutDimCode(var KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup: Record "KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup"; var xKVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup: Record "KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup"; FieldNumber: Integer; var ShortcutDimCode: Code[20])
: Record parameter containing the current KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup record.xKVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup
: Record parameter containing the old KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup record.FieldNumber
: The dimension field number being validated.ShortcutDimCode
: The shortcut dimension code being validated.
OnBeforeValidateShortcutDimCode(Record KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup, Record KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup, Integer, Code[20]) :#
Summary: Integration Event that will be raised before the shortcut dimension code is validated.
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeValidateShortcutDimCode(var KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup: Record "KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup"; var xKVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup: Record "KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup"; FieldNumber: Integer; var ShortcutDimCode: Code[20]):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup", 'OnBeforeValidateShortcutDimCode', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeValidateShortcutDimCode(var KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup: Record "KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup"; var xKVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup: Record "KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup"; FieldNumber: Integer; var ShortcutDimCode: Code[20])
: Record parameter containing the current KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup record.xKVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup
: Record parameter containing the old KVSKBAOrderQuoteSetup record.FieldNumber
: The dimension field number being validated.ShortcutDimCode
: The shortcut dimension code being validated.