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Name Type Note
No. Code[20]
Shipment Method Code Code[10]
Shipping Agent Code Code[10]
Shipping Agent Service Code Code[10]
Ship-to Name Text[100]
Ship-to Name 2 Text[50]
Ship-to Address Text[100]
Ship-to Address 2 Text[50]
Ship-to City Text[30]
Ship-to Post Code Code[20]
Ship-to Contact Text[100]
Net Weight Decimal Warning: Obsolete
Gross Weight (Scale) Decimal Warning: Obsolete
Gross Weight Decimal FlowField
Tara Decimal Warning: Obsolete
Dispatch Handling Comment Boolean FlowField
No. of Packages (1. Level) Integer FlowField
Dispatch Date Date
No. of Packages (Total) Integer FlowField
Destination Type Enum Warehouse Destination Type
Sell-to Contact No. Code[20]
Destination No. Code[20]
Ship-To Code Code[10]
Ship-to County Text[30]
Ship-to Country/Region Code Code[10]
Interface Enum (KVSKBA Dispatch Provider)
Ship. Order/Way-Bill No. Code[20]
Only Labels Boolean
Pick-Up Date Date
Pick-Up Time Time
Arrival Date Date
Arrival Time Time
One Package Dispatch Boolean
Created By Document Type Enum (KVSKBADispatchSourceDocument)
Created By Document No. Code[20]
Assigned User ID Code[50]
Language Code Code[10]
Dispatch Handling Type Enum (KVSKBADispatchHandlingType)
One Package Disp. Superior No. Code[20]
Format Region Text[80]
Canceled Boolean
Created DateTime DateTime
Created UserID Code[50]
Dispatch Location Code Code[10]
Outbound Pack. Location Code Code[10]
Outbound Pack. Bin Code Code[20]
Inbound Pack. Location Code Code[10]
Inbound Pack. Bin Code Code[20]
Net Weight Flowfield Decimal FlowField
Gross Weight (Scale) Flowfield Decimal FlowField
Tara Flowfield Decimal FlowField
Daily Closing Entry No. Integer
Total Dangerous Goods Points Decimal FlowField
Loading Date Date FlowField
KVSKBA V-LOG ShippingAgentText Text[250]
KVSKBA V-LOG Company Code[20]
KVSKBA V-LOG ShipAgntSrvInictr Integer FlowField
KVSKBA V-LOGAgreedShippingDate Date
KVSKBA V-LOGAgreedShippingTime Time
KVSKBA V-LOG Value of Goods Decimal


PrintRecords(Boolean) :#

procedure PrintRecords(ShowRequestForm: Boolean): 


OnBeforePrintRecords(Record KVSKBAPostedDispatchHandHeader, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforePrintRecords(var KVSKBAPostedDispatchHandHeader: Record "KVSKBAPostedDispatchHandHeader"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBAPostedDispatchHandHeader", 'OnBeforePrintRecords', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforePrintRecords(var KVSKBAPostedDispatchHandHeader: Record "KVSKBAPostedDispatchHandHeader"; var IsHandled: Boolean)