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Name Type Note
Information No. Integer
Initial Record Boolean
Responsibility Center Code[10]
Date Date
Customer No. Code[20]
Customer Price Group Code[10]
Customer Name Text[100]
Prices Including VAT Boolean
VAT Bus. Posting Group Code[20]
Customer Disc. Group Code[20]
Type Option OptionMembers: ,,Item
No. Code[20]
Variant Code Code[10]
Description Text[100]
Description 2 Text[50]
Item Price Group Code[10]
VAT Prod. Posting Group Code[20]
VAT Calculation Type Enum Tax Calculation Type
VAT % Decimal
Item Disc. Group Code[20]
Unit Cost (LCY) Decimal
Unit of Measure Code Code[10]
Qty. per Unit of Measure Decimal
KVSKBAPriceUnit Decimal
Currency Code Code[10]
Currency Factor Decimal
Base Unit of Measure Code Code[10]
Quantity Decimal
Unit Price (Calculated) Decimal
Unit Price (PU) (Calculated) Decimal
Minimum Qty. (Price Calc.) Decimal
Starting Date (Price Calc.) Date
Ending Date (Price Calc.) Date
Allow Line Disc. (Price Calc.) Boolean
Allow Inv. Disc. (Price Calc.) Boolean
KVSKBAPriceDescendedFromItem Boolean
Line Discount % (Calc.) Decimal
Minimum Qty. (Disc. Calc.) Decimal
Starting Date (Disc. Calc.) Date
Ending Date (Disc. Calc.) Date
KVSKBADiscDescendedFromItem Boolean
Minimum Quantity Decimal
Starting Date Date
Ending Date Date
Allow Line Disc. Boolean
Allow Invoice Disc. Boolean
Unit Price Decimal
KVSKBAUnitPricePriceUnit Decimal
Line Discount % Decimal
Line Discount Amount Decimal
Line Amount Decimal
Line Amount (LCY) Decimal
Line Amount (LCY) excl. VAT Decimal
Unit Cost Amount (LCY) Decimal
Profit (LCY) Decimal
Profit % Decimal
KVSKBAMinimumProfit Decimal
Autosave Information by Exit Boolean
KVSKBADonotFindBestPrice Boolean
KVSKBASalesOrderType Code[10]
LocationCode Code[10]
Price Price List Code (Calc.) Code[20]
Price P. List Line No. (Calc.) Integer
Disc. Price List Code (Calc.) Code[20]
Disc. P. List Line No. (Calc.) Integer
Created On DateTime Warning: Obsolete
Created By Code[50] Warning: Obsolete
Modified On DateTime Warning: Obsolete
Modified By Code[50] Warning: Obsolete
Comment Text[80]
Item Reference No. Code[50]
Item Reference Unit of Measure Code[10]
Item Reference Type Enum Item Reference Type
Item Reference Type No. Code[30]
Price Calculation Method Enum Price Calculation Method
Price Price List Code Code[20]
Discount Price List Code Code[20]


GetPriceCalculationHandler(Enum Price Type, Interface Price Calculation) :#

procedure GetPriceCalculationHandler(LocalPriceType: Enum "Price Type"; var PriceCalculation: Interface "Price Calculation"): 

ApplyDiscount(Interface Price Calculation) :#

procedure ApplyDiscount(var PriceCalculation: Interface "Price Calculation"): 

ApplyPrice(Integer, Interface Price Calculation) :#

procedure ApplyPrice(CalledByFieldNo: Integer; var PriceCalculation: Interface "Price Calculation"): 

CountDiscount(Boolean) : Integer#

procedure CountDiscount(ShowAll: Boolean): Integer

CountPrice(Boolean) : Integer#

procedure CountPrice(ShowAll: Boolean): Integer

DiscountExists(Boolean) : Boolean#

procedure DiscountExists(ShowAll: Boolean): Boolean

PriceExists(Boolean) : Boolean#

procedure PriceExists(ShowAll: Boolean): Boolean

PickDiscount() : Boolean#

procedure PickDiscount(): Boolean

PickPrice() : Boolean#

procedure PickPrice(): Boolean


OnAfterApplyPrice(Record KVSKBAPriceInformation, Record KVSKBAPriceInformation, Integer, Integer) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterApplyPrice(var KVSKBAPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; var xKVSKBAPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; CallFieldNo: Integer; CurrentFieldNo: Integer): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBAPriceInformation", 'OnAfterApplyPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterApplyPrice(var KVSKBAPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; var xKVSKBAPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; CallFieldNo: Integer; CurrentFieldNo: Integer)

OnAfterGetDateForCalculations(Date, Record KVSKBAPriceInformation) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterGetDateForCalculations(var DocumentDate: Date; KVSKBAPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBAPriceInformation", 'OnAfterGetDateForCalculations', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterGetDateForCalculations(var DocumentDate: Date; KVSKBAPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation")

OnAfterGetLineWithPrice(Interface Line With Price) :#

[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnAfterGetLineWithPrice(var LineWithPrice: Interface "Line With Price"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBAPriceInformation", 'OnAfterGetLineWithPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterGetLineWithPrice(var LineWithPrice: Interface "Line With Price")

OnAfterUpdateItemReference(Record KVSKBAPriceInformation) :#

[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnAfterUpdateItemReference(var KVSKBAPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBAPriceInformation", 'OnAfterUpdateItemReference', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterUpdateItemReference(var KVSKBAPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation")

OnBeforeUpdateUnitCost(Record KVSKBAPriceInformation, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeUpdateUnitCost(var PriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; var Handled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBAPriceInformation", 'OnBeforeUpdateUnitCost', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeUpdateUnitCost(var PriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; var Handled: Boolean)

OnBeforeUpdateUnitPrice(Record KVSKBAPriceInformation, Record KVSKBAPriceInformation, Boolean) :#

Summary: Event that is raised bofore the UpdateUnitPrice function has been executed

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeUpdateUnitPrice(var PriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; var xPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBAPriceInformation", 'OnBeforeUpdateUnitPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeUpdateUnitPrice(var PriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; var xPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


  • PriceInformation: Actual Record
  • xPriceInformation: Previous Record Content
  • IsHandled: Parameter for skipping the processing function UpdateUnitPrice

OnAfterUpdateUnitPrice(Record KVSKBAPriceInformation, Record KVSKBAPriceInformation) :#

Summary: Event that is raised after the UpdateUnitPrice function has been executed.

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterUpdateUnitPrice(var PriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; var xPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSKBAPriceInformation", 'OnAfterUpdateUnitPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterUpdateUnitPrice(var PriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation"; var xPriceInformation: Record "KVSKBAPriceInformation")


  • PriceInformation: Actual Record
  • xPriceInformation: Previous Record Content