Entry No. |
Guid |
Released |
Boolean |
Internal Version |
Integer |
Active |
Boolean |
Transferred |
Boolean |
Description |
Text[100] |
No. of Exports |
Integer |
FlowField |
Labeler DUNS Number |
Integer |
Version or Model |
Text[80] |
Catalog Number |
Text[80] |
Device Description |
Text[2000] |
Unit of Use DI |
Text[120] |
FlowField |
Device Count |
Integer |
Brand Name |
Text[80] |
Primary DI Number |
Text[120] |
FlowField |
DI Record Publish Date |
Date |
CommercialDistributionEndDate |
Date |
Issuing Entity Primary DI |
Code[20] |
FlowField |
Issuing Entity Unit of Use DI |
Code[20] |
FlowField |
Direct Marking DI Entry No. |
Guid |
Iss. Entity Direct Marking DI |
Code[20] |
FlowField |
Direct Marking DI |
Text[120] |
FlowField |
DeviceSubjecttoDMbutExcepted |
Boolean |
DMDIDifferentfromPrimaryDI |
Boolean |
Secondary DI Entry No. |
Guid |
Issuing Entity Secondary DI |
Code[20] |
FlowField |
Secondary DI |
Text[120] |
FlowField |
Previous DI Entry No. |
Guid |
Issuing Entity Previous DI |
Code[20] |
FlowField |
Previous DI |
Text[120] |
FlowField |
HumanCellTissueBasedProduct |
Boolean |
Kit |
Boolean |
CombinationProduct |
Boolean |
DeviceExemptPremarketSubm |
Boolean |
ForSingleUse |
Boolean |
LotorBatchNumber |
Boolean |
ManufacturingDate |
Boolean |
SerialNumber |
Boolean |
ExpirationDate |
Boolean |
DonationIdentificationNumber |
Boolean |
Devicerequiredlabelcontrubber |
Boolean |
DeviceNotwithnaturallatex |
Boolean |
PrescriptionUseRx |
Boolean |
OvertheCounter |
Boolean |
MRIsafetyinfolabelingcontain |
DevicePackagedasSterile |
Boolean |
RequiresSterilizationPriorUse |
Boolean |
Unit of Use DI Entry No. |
Guid |
Base DI Entry No. |
Guid |