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Name Type Note
Entry No. Guid
Released Boolean
Internal Version Integer
Active Boolean
Transferred Boolean
Description Text[100]
Labeler DUNS Number Integer
Version or Model Text[80]
Catalog Number Text[80]
Device Description Text[2000]
Package DI Text[120]
Unit of Use DI Text[120]
Device Count Integer
Brand Name Text[80]
Primary DI Number Text[120]
DI Record Publish Date Date
CommercialDistributionEndDate Date
Issuing Entity Primary DI Code[20]
Issuing Entity Unit of Use DI Code[20]
Issuing Entity Package DI Code[20]
Iss. Entity Direct Marking DI Code[20]
Direct Marking DI Text[120]
DeviceSubjecttoDMbutExcepted Boolean
DMDIDifferentfromPrimaryDI Boolean
Issuing Entity Secondary DI Code[20]
Secondary DI Text[120]
Issuing Entity Previous DI Code[20]
Previous DI Text[120]
HumanCellTissueBasedProduct Boolean
Kit Boolean
CombinationProduct Boolean
DeviceExemptPremarketSubm Boolean
ForSingleUse Boolean
LotorBatchNumber Boolean
ManufacturingDate Boolean
SerialNumber Boolean
ExpirationDate Boolean
DonationIdentificationNumber Boolean
Devicerequiredlabelcontrubber Boolean
DeviceNotwithnaturallatex Boolean
PrescriptionUseRx Boolean
OvertheCounter Boolean
MRIsafetyinfolabelingcontain Enum (KVSKBAUDIGUDIDMRSafety)
DevicePackagedasSterile Boolean
RequiresSterilizationPriorUse Boolean
Storage Handling Conditions Boolean