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Name Type Note
Entry No. Integer
Billing Type Code Code[10]
Sell-to Customer No. Code[20]
Document No. Code[20]
Line No. Integer
Type Option OptionMembers: ,G/L Account,Item,Resource
No. Code[20]
Shipment Date Date
Description Text[100]
Description 2 Text[50]
Unit Text[10]
Quantity Decimal
VAT % Decimal
Amount Decimal
Amount incl. VAT Decimal
Serial No. Code[50]
Qty. per Unit of Measure Decimal
Unit Code Code[10]
Quantity (Base) Decimal
Order No. Code[20]
Order Line No. Integer
CustLedgEntry Posting Date Date
Price Unit Integer
Unit Price (Price Unit) Decimal
Customer Item No. Code[20]
Branch Code Code[10]
Process No. Code[20]
Billing Period No. Integer
Billing No. Code[30]
Time of Invoice Option OptionMembers: Startrechnung,Endrechnung,Jede Rechnung
Process Period No. Integer
Contract No. Code[15]
Contract Version No. Code[4]
Contract Line No. Integer
Personal Share LCY Decimal
Co-Payment Exemption Option OptionMembers: Keine ges. Zuzahlung,Zuzahlungsbefreit,keine Zuzahlung trotz Aufforderung,Zuzahlungspflicht
Personal Share calculated Boolean
CustLedg Entry No. Integer
Customer No. Code[20]
Posting Date Date
Invoice Date Date
Due Date Date
Pmt. Discount Date Date
Prescription Prescr.-No. Code[20]
Action Code Option OptionMembers: Neuauslieferung,Reparatur,Wiedereinsatz/Rücknahme,Miete,Nachrüstung,Fallpauschale,,,,,Dauerverordnung
Period from Date
Period till Date
Prescription Date Date
Mark Accident/BVG/Others Option OptionMembers: ,Arbeitsunfall(1),Sonstige Unfallfolgen (2),Sonstiges (3),,,BVG (6)
Accident Code Code[10]
War Victim Code Code[10]
Prescription Code Code[10]
Day of Accident Date
Customer No. Insurant Code[20]
Name Insurant Text[50]
Address Insurant Text[50]
Post-Code Insurant Code[20]
City Insurant Text[30]
Country Code Insurant Code[10]
Phone No. Insurant Text[30]
Birthday Insurant Date
Status Insurant Code[10]
Insurant No. Code[20]
Customer No. Physician Code[20]
Contract Physician No. Code[20]
Name Physician Text[100]
Name 2 Physician Text[50]
Address Physician Text[100]
Address 2 Physician Text[50]
Post-Code Physician Code[20]
City Physician Text[30]
Country Code Physician Code[10]
Phone No. Physician Text[30]
Private Patient Boolean
Customer No. Health Insurance Code[20]
Health Insurance No. Code[20]
Name Health Insurance Text[100]
Name 2 Health Insurance Text[50]
Address Health Insurance Text[100]
Processing Flag Option OptionMembers: Billing,Additional,Co-Payment,Correction
Customer No. Account Code[20]
Billing Health Insurance No. Code[20]
Name Account Text[100]
UnitKeyCode Code[2]
EvoId Text[256]
Action Code Account Code[10]
ICD Diagnosis Text Text[80]
ICD Diagnosis Code[20]
Permission ID Code[20]
Permission Date Date
Disc No. Code[20]
Billing Combine Inv. No. Code[20]
Inst. Code eReceiving Office Code[20]
Our VAT Registration No. Text[20]
Pmt. Discount % Decimal
Co-Payment Period from Date
Co-Payment Period to Date
Co-Payment incl. VAT Decimal
Invoice with Co-Payment Boolean
Co-Payment per Line Boolean
Perf.-Amount Co-Payment Decimal
Co-Payment Type Code[2]
Date Time ReferenceData Creat. Text[14]
Filename Text[50]
Inst. Code pReceiving Office Code[20]
Appliance No. Code[20]
Identificationno. Co-Payment Integer
Document Date Date
Unit Price Decimal
Economic Personal Share Boolean
Co-Payment Calc. Code Code[20]
Co-Payment Calc. Group Code[20]
Pharma Central No. Code[20]
Output Appliance No. Code[20]
Billing Distance (km) Decimal
Billing Time from Time
Billing Time until Time
Billing Duration (min) Integer
Billing Place of Application Option OptionMembers: ,Left,Right,Both Sides
Business Premises No. Code[9]
Employee No. Code[9]
ContractCode Code[2]
BusinessPremisesNoFromServRec Code[9]
Price Origin incl. VAT Boolean
Prices Including VAT Boolean
Shipment No. Code[20]
Shipping Agent Code Code[10]
Package Tracking No. Text[30]
Det. Billing Combine Inv. No. Code[20]
Product Type Code[3]
Add. Costs Decimal
Consulation Use Boolean
Logic Filename (User Ref.) Code[20]
Inst. Code Receiver Ref.Data Code[20]
Inst. Code Code[20]
Orig. Inst. Code Code[20]
Orig. Billing Combine Inv. No. Code[20]
Orig. Det. Billing C. Inv. No. Code[20]
Orig. Invoice Date Date
Orig. Document No. Code[20]
Priority Appliance No. Option OptionMembers: ,Appliance No. - Pharma Central No.,Pharma Central No. - Appliance No.,Special Marking
Validity Date Insurant Card Code[4]
Filename RECP Text[50]
Image exists Boolean
Filename Image File Text[30]
Filename TIF Text[30]
Filename ZIP Text[30]
Document Barcode Text[30]
Our Account No. Text[20]
Use Hours Decimal
Average Use Hours Decimal
HI NPL Price per Piece Decimal
HI NPL VAT Line Amount Decimal
HI NPL Line Amount Incl. VAT Decimal
HI Net Price Logic Boolean
HI NPL Line Amount Decimal
HI NPL Price p. Piece Inc. VAT Decimal
HI accept difference Boolean
Responsibility Center Code[10]
Inst. Code Care Provider Text[30]
Care Provider Group Code[7]
Service Provision Date Date
Correction No. Code[1]
Line without Error Boolean
Document without Error Boolean
BillingStatus Code[3]
Period of Account from Date
Period of Account to Date
Payment Terms Code Code[10]
Max Invoice Filter Integer
Period of Permission from Date
Period of Permission to Date
Discount Reason Code[20]
Assigned UserID Code[50]
Inst. Code IMG Provider Text[30]
Size Multitif File Text[30]
Position Multitif File Integer
NameVWI Text[30]
Selected Boolean
eBilling Entry No. Integer
Archiving Reason Option OptionMembers: Deleted,eBilling,Del. eBilling,Rep. eBilling