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Name Type Note
Transaction No. Integer
Line No. Integer
Common Line No. Integer
Request For Further Use No. Code[20]
Status Option OptionMembers: ,New,Approved,Rejected,Changed,Cancelled, ,Undefined
MIP Register No. Code[30]
Appliance No. Code[20]
Appliance Indicator Code[10]
Special Product Feature Text[250]
Description Text[250]
Quantity (Base) Decimal
Quantity Decimal
VAT % Decimal
HC Provider Group Code[15]
Contract Type Integer
Co-Payment Exemption Integer
Unit of Measure Code Code[10]
Year of Manufacture Integer
No. Code[20]
Type Option OptionMembers: ,G/L Account,Item,Resource,Fixed Asset,Charge (Item),,,,Heading,Subtotal,End-Subtotal/Bundle,Bundle,Maintenance,Repair,,,,,Device Reference
Amount Including VAT Decimal
Line Amount Decimal
Medical Care Unit Integer
Medical Care Unit Pos. No. Integer
Pharma Central No. Code[20]
Billing Place of Application Option OptionMembers: ,Left,Right,Both Sides
Personal Share Line Boolean
Co-Payment Line Boolean
Personal Share LCY Decimal
Personal Share incl. VAT Boolean
VAT Bus. Posting Group Code[20]
Co-Payment (LCY) Decimal
Co-Payment incl. VAT Boolean
Economic Personal Share Boolean
Line Discount Amount Decimal
Qty. per Unit of Measure Decimal
Unit Price net Decimal
Line Discount % Decimal
Belongs to Transaction No. Integer
Belongs to TA Line No. Integer
Product Name Text[50]
VATAmount Decimal
Shpmt. Confirmation TA No. Integer
Billing Pharma Central No. Code[10]
Serial No. Code[50]
Unit Price gross Decimal
Approved by Partner Boolean
Contract Version Line No. Integer
Info. Request Document No. Code[20]
Info. Request Line No. BigInteger
Info. Req. Source Key Value 1 Code[20]
Variant Code Code[20]
Info. Request Line Type Option OptionMembers: ,G/L Account,Item,Resource,Fixed Asset,Charge (Item),,,,Heading,Subtotal,End-Subtotal/Bundle,Bundle,Maintenance,Repair,,,,,Device Reference
Process Starting Date Date
Process Ending Date Date
Quantity confirmed (Base) Decimal
Open Confirm Quantity (Base) Decimal
Delivery Note Nos Text[100]