Journal Batch Name | Code[10] | |
Line No. | Integer | |
Type of Origin | Option | OptionMembers: Item,Stockkeeping Unit |
Item No. | Code[20] | |
Used Variant Filter | Code[80] | |
Used Location Filter | Code[80] | |
Description | Text[100] | FlowField |
Description 2 | Text[50] | FlowField |
Vendor No. | Code[20] | |
Vendor Item No. | Text[20] | Warning: Obsolete |
VendorItemNo | Text[50] | |
Usage Weighting Schedule Code | Code[20] | |
Reference Date | Date | |
Calc. Consumption per Day | Decimal | |
Inventory | Decimal | |
Range (Days) | Integer | |
Range (Date) | Date | |
Endless Range | Boolean | |
New Planning Param. Different | Boolean | |
New Sales Prices Different | Boolean | |
SKU exist | Boolean | |
Replenishment System | Enum Replenishment System | |
Reordering Policy | Enum Reordering Policy | |
Old Safety Stock Quantity | Decimal | |
Calc. Safety Stock Quantity | Decimal | |
New Safety Stock Quantity | Decimal | |
New Saf.St. Range (Days) | Integer | |
New Saf.St. Range (Date) | Date | |
New Saf.St. Endless Range | Boolean | |
Lead Time Calculation | DateFormula | |
Safety Lead Time | DateFormula | |
Lead Time (Days) | Integer | |
Old Reorder Point | Decimal | |
Calc. Reorder Point | Decimal | |
New Reorder Point | Decimal | |
New Reord. P. Range (Days) | Integer | |
New Reord. P. Range (Date) | Date | |
New Reord. P. Endless Range | Boolean | |
Reorder Cycle | DateFormula | |
Reorder Cycle (Days) | Integer | |
Old Maximum Inventory | Decimal | |
Calc. Maximum Inventory | Decimal | |
New Maximum Inventory | Decimal | |
New Max. Range (Days) | Integer | |
New Max. Range (Date) | Date | |
New Max. Endless Range | Boolean | |
Item Updated at | DateTime | |
Item Updated by | Code[50] | |
SKU Updated at | DateTime | |
SKU Updated by | Code[50] | |
Inventory (currentl) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. on Purch. Order | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. on Sales Order | Decimal | FlowField |
Unit Cost | Decimal | |
Standard Cost | Decimal | |
Last Direct Cost | Decimal | |
Price Includes VAT | Boolean | |
Old Unit Price | Decimal | |
Old Profit % | Decimal | |
Old Price/Profit Calculation | Option | OptionMembers: Profit=Price-Cost,Price=Cost+Profit,No Relationship |
New Unit Price | Decimal | |
New Profit % | Decimal | |
Created Campaign No. | Code[20] | |
New Sales Price Transfered | Boolean | |
Purch. Unit of Measure | Code[10] | |
New Reordering Policy | Enum Reordering Policy | |
Old Reorder Quantity | Decimal | |
New Reorder Quantity | Decimal | |
Sales per Period | Decimal | |
Consumption per Period | Decimal | |
Consump. Ass. per Period | Decimal | |
Transfer Shpt. per Period | Decimal | |
Purchase per Period | Decimal | |
Transfer Rcpt. per Period | Decimal | |
Output per Period | Decimal | |
Output Ass. per Period | Decimal | |
Positive Adj. per Period | Decimal | |
Negative Adj. per Period | Decimal | |
Period | Option | OptionMembers: Day,Week,Month,Quarter,Year |
Calculated at | DateTime | |
Calculated by | Code[50] | |
Modified at | DateTime | |
Modified by | Code[50] | |
Posting Code | Code[10] | |