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Name Type Note
Journal Template Name Code[10]
Journal Batch Name Code[10]
Line No. Integer
Variant Code Code[10]
Item No. Code[20]
Serial No. Code[50]
Third Party Property Boolean
Privat Patient Boolean
Agreement No. Code[20]
Agreement Type Code[10]
Bill-to Customer No. Code[20]
Bill-to Search Name Code[100] FlowField
Inspection Type Code[20]
Appointment Date Date
Begins at Time
Appointment confirmed Boolean
Technician Code[20]
Order No. Code[20]
Next Inspection Date Date
Sell-to Customer No. Code[20]
Name Text[100]
Name 2 Text[50]
Address Text[100]
Address 2 Text[50]
City Text[30]
Post Code Code[20]
Phone No. Text[30]
Ship-to Code Code[10]
Country/Region Code Code[20]
Reason Code Code[10]
Source Code Code[10]
Date of Death Date
Requested Delivery Date Date
KVSMEDShippingContactNo Code[20]
KVSMEDShipToCodeContactNo Code[10]
Level Integer
Show Level Value Boolean
Show Level Detail Integer
Attached to Line No. Integer
Type Option OptionMembers: ,G/L Account,Item,Resource,Fixed Asset,Charge (Item),,,,Heading,Begin-Total,End-Total
No. Code[20]
Description Text[100]
Description 2 Text[50]
Quantity Decimal
Sell-to Customer Name Text[100]
Remark modified in Tour Boolean
Block Precision Option OptionMembers: ,Morning,Afternoon,Late Afternoon
Replan Boolean
Warehouse Shipment No. Code[20]
Warehouse Shipment Line No. Integer
Contact No. Code[20]
Interaction Group Code Code[10]
Number of Interactions Integer FlowField
Date of last Interaction DateTime
Shipping Agent Code Code[10]
Shipping Agent Service Code Code[10]
Address Changed Boolean
Agent Code[20]
Agent Post Code Code[20]
Transport Requirements Text[30]
Instruction Timing (min) Integer
Installation Timing (min) Integer
Personal needs Integer
Show Details Boolean
Resource No. Code[20]
Scheduling Code Code[10]
Document Type Option OptionMembers: ,SO,SRO,ASO,PSS,PSRO,PO,PRO,APO,PPRO,Call,TransferOrder,TechniqueOrder,,,,,Cash Desk Call
Document No. Code[20]
Tour Code Code[10]
Tour Placement Integer
Phone No. 2 Text[30]
Remark Text[250]
Blocking Code Code[10]
Buy-from Vendor No. Code[20]
Skill Code Code[10]
Drive Time Integer
Next Stop Integer
Service Time Integer
Person in charge Code[50]
Process Type Code Code[10]
Process No. Code[20]
Tour No. Code[20]
Requested Appointment 1 DateTime
Requested Appointment 2 DateTime
Requested Appointment 3 DateTime
Restriction 1 DateTime
Restriction 1 End Time
Restriction 2 DateTime
Restriction 2 End Time
Restriction 3 DateTime
Restriction 3 End Time
Opening Hours Boolean FlowField
Access Limitation Boolean FlowField
Print Report Slip Boolean
Print Retention of Title Boolean
Planning on Shipment Boolean
Ends at Time
Process Status Code[20]
Availability Status Option OptionMembers: ,None,Partly,All
Warehouse Shipment Status Option OptionMembers: ,None,Partly,All
Shipment Status Option OptionMembers: ,None,Partly,All
Invoice Status Option OptionMembers: ,None,Partly,All
Vehicle Code[20]
Driver Code[20]
Appointment Precision Option OptionMembers: Fix,Block
CSR Call No. Code[20]
CSR Call Line Integer
Redesign Line No. Integer
Redesign Attached Line No. Integer


OnBeforeCheckAppointmentConflict(Record KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine, Boolean) :#

Summary: This Integration Event is triggered in internal procedure CheckAppointmentConflict to be able to suppress handling of Opening Hours.

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCheckAppointmentConflict(var KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine: Record "KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine", 'OnBeforeCheckAppointmentConflict', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeCheckAppointmentConflict(var KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine: Record "KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


  • KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine:
  • IsHandled:

OnBeforeCheckDeliveryDateConflict(Record KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine, Boolean) :#

Summary: This Integration Event is triggered in internal procedure CheckDeliveryDateConflict to be able to suppress handling of Opening Hours.

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCheckDeliveryDateConflict(var KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine: Record "KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine", 'OnBeforeCheckDeliveryDateConflict', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeCheckDeliveryDateConflict(var KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine: Record "KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


  • KVSMEDScheduleJnlLine:
  • IsHandled: