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Name Type Note
Call No. Code[20]
Line No. Integer
Customer No. Code[20]
Contact No. Code[20]
Type Enum (KVSMTCCallLineType)
No. Code[20]
Variant Code Code[10]
Serial No. Code[50]
Description Text[100]
Description 2 Text[50]
Unit of Measure Code Code[10]
Quantity Decimal
Qty. per Unit of Measure Decimal
Quantity (Base) Decimal
Process Type Code Code[20] Warning: Obsolete
Call Classification Enum (KVSKBACLLCallClassification)
Document Creation Enum (KVSMTCDocumentCreation)
Close CSR Call Automatically Boolean
Hire Equip. Item No. Code[20]
Hire Equip. Variant Code Code[10]
Hire Equip. Serial No. Code[50]
Hire Equip. Location Code Code[10]
Hire Equip. Bin Code Code[20]
Equip. Posting Code Code[10] FlowField
Equip. Owner No. Code[20] FlowField
Equip. Consignee No. Code[20] FlowField
Service Site Enum (KVSMTCServiceSite)
Location Code Code[10]
Bin Code Code[20]
Service Technician Code[20]
Technician Name Text[100] FlowField
Appointment Date Date
Appointment Type Enum (KVSMTCAppointmentType)
Block Precision Enum (KVSMTCBlockPrecision)
Appointment Time From Time
Appointment Time Till Time
Appointment Confirmed Boolean
Processing Status Code[20] Warning: Obsolete
Contract No. Code[15]
Process Group Code Code[20]
Tour Code Code[10]
Tour Placement Integer