This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.
Name | Type | Note |
Document Type | Enum Service Document Type | |
Customer No. | Code[20] | |
No. | Code[20] | |
Bill-to Customer No. | Code[20] | |
Bill-to Name | Text[100] | |
Bill-to Name 2 | Text[50] | |
Bill-to Address | Text[100] | |
Bill-to Address 2 | Text[50] | |
Bill-to City | Text[30] | |
Bill-to Contact | Text[100] | |
Your Reference | Text[35] | |
Ship-to Code | Code[10] | |
Ship-to Name | Text[100] | |
Ship-to Name 2 | Text[50] | |
Ship-to Address | Text[100] | |
Ship-to Address 2 | Text[50] | |
Ship-to City | Text[30] | |
Ship-to Contact | Text[100] | |
Order Date | Date | |
Posting Date | Date | |
Posting Description | Text[100] | |
Payment Terms Code | Code[10] | |
Due Date | Date | |
Payment Discount % | Decimal | |
Pmt. Discount Date | Date | |
Shipment Method Code | Code[10] | |
Location Code | Code[10] | |
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Code[20] | |
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Code[20] | |
Customer Posting Group | Code[20] | |
Currency Code | Code[10] | |
Currency Factor | Decimal | |
Customer Price Group | Code[10] | |
Prices Including VAT | Boolean | |
Invoice Disc. Code | Code[20] | |
Customer Disc. Group | Code[20] | |
Language Code | Code[10] | |
Salesperson Code | Code[20] | |
Comment | Boolean | FlowField |
No. Printed | Integer | |
Applies-to Doc. Type | Enum Gen. Journal Document Type | |
Applies-to Doc. No. | Code[20] | |
Bal. Account No. | Code[20] | |
Shipping No. | Code[20] | |
Posting No. | Code[20] | |
Last Shipping No. | Code[20] | |
Last Posting No. | Code[20] | |
VAT Registration No. | Text[20] | |
Reason Code | Code[10] | |
Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Code[20] | |
EU 3-Party Trade | Boolean | |
Transaction Type | Code[10] | |
Transport Method | Code[10] | |
VAT Country/Region Code | Code[10] | |
Name | Text[100] | |
Name 2 | Text[50] | |
Address | Text[100] | |
Address 2 | Text[50] | |
City | Text[30] | |
Contact Name | Text[100] | |
Bill-to Post Code | Code[20] | |
Bill-to Country/Region Code | Code[10] | |
Post Code | Code[20] | |
County | Text[30] | |
Country/Region Code | Code[10] | |
Ship-to Post Code | Code[20] | |
Ship-to Country/Region Code | Code[10] | |
Bal. Account Type | Enum Payment Balance Account Type | |
Exit Point | Code[10] | |
Document Date | Date | |
AreaTrd | Code[10] | |
Transaction Specification | Code[10] | |
Payment Method Code | Code[10] | |
Shipping Agent Code | Code[10] | |
No. Series | Code[20] | |
Posting No. Series | Code[20] | |
Shipping No. Series | Code[20] | |
Tax Area Code | Code[20] | |
Tax Liable | Boolean | |
VAT Bus. Posting Group | Code[20] | |
Reserve | Enum Reserve Method | |
Applies-to ID | Code[50] | |
VAT Base Discount % | Decimal | |
Status | Enum Service Document Status | |
Invoice Discount Calculation | Option | OptionMembers: None,%,Amount |
Invoice Discount Value | Decimal | |
Release Status | Enum Service Doc. Release Status | |
Dimension Set ID | Integer | |
Time Archived | Time | |
Archived By | Code[50] | |
Version No. | Integer | |
Doc. No. Occurrence | Integer | |
Contact No. | Code[20] | |
Bill-to Contact No. | Code[20] | |
Responsibility Center | Code[10] | |
Shipping Advice | Enum Sales Header Shipping Advice | |
Completely Shipped | Boolean | FlowField |
Location Filter | Code[10] | FlowFilter |
Shipping Time | DateFormula | |
Shipping Agent Service Code | Code[10] | |
Date Filter | Date | FlowFilter |
Description | Text[100] | |
Service Order Type | Code[10] | |
Link Service to Service Item | Boolean | |
Priority | Option | OptionMembers: Low,Medium,High |
Allocated Hours | Decimal | FlowField |
Phone No. | Text[30] | |
Text[80] | ||
Phone No. 2 | Text[30] | |
Fax No. | Text[30] | |
No. of Unallocated Items | Integer | FlowField |
Order Time | Time | |
Actual Response Time (Hours) | Decimal | |
Service Time (Hours) | Decimal | |
Response Date | Date | |
Response Time | Time | |
Starting Date | Date | |
Starting Time | Time | |
Finishing Date | Date | |
Finishing Time | Time | |
Contract Serv. Hours Exist | Boolean | FlowField |
Reallocation Needed | Boolean | FlowField |
Notify Customer | Option | OptionMembers: No,By Phone 1,By Phone 2,By Fax,By E-Mail |
Max. Labor Unit Price | Decimal | |
Warning Status | Option | OptionMembers: ,First Warning,Second Warning,Third Warning |
No. of Allocations | Integer | FlowField |
Contract No. | Code[20] | |
Type Filter | Option | OptionMembers: ,Resource,Item,Service Cost,Service Contract FlowFilter |
Customer Filter | Code[20] | FlowFilter |
Resource Filter | Code[20] | FlowFilter |
Contract Filter | Code[20] | FlowFilter |
Ship-to Fax No. | Text[30] | |
Ship-to E-Mail | Text[80] | |
Resource Group Filter | Code[20] | FlowFilter |
Ship-to Phone | Text[30] | |
Ship-to Phone 2 | Text[30] | |
Service Zone Filter | Code[10] | FlowFilter |
Service Zone Code | Code[10] | |
Expected Finishing Date | Date | |
Allow Line Disc. | Boolean | |
Assigned User ID | Code[50] | |
Quote No. | Code[20] | |
KVSMTCPosting from Whse. Ref. | Integer | |
Bill-to Code | Code[10] | |
KVSMTCDoc. No. Occurrence | Integer | |
KVSMTCAutoCreatedByContract | Boolean | |
KVSMTCCallNo | Code[20] | |
KVSMTCTechnician | Code[20] | |
KVSMTCOperationPlace | Enum (KVSMTCServiceOperationPlace) | |
KVSMTCDocumentProcessID | Code[20] | |
KVSMTCDateArchived | Date | |
KVSMTCNo. of Archived Versions | Integer | FlowField |