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KVSPSAInvoice Suggestion Line#


Name Type Note
Worksheet Template Name Code[10]
Journal Batch Name Code[10]
Line No. Integer
Customer No. Code[20]
Customer Name Text[100]
Document Type Option OptionMembers: ,Orders,Jobs
Job No. Code[20]
Work Package Code Code[20]
Job Ledger Entry No. Integer
Type Enum Sales Line Type
No. Code[20]
Description Text[100]
Quantity Decimal
Quantity Invoiced Decimal
Amount Including VAT Decimal
Indentation Integer
Invoice sales order line Boolean
Unit Price Decimal
Line Discount % Decimal
Name Text[100]
Already Invoiced Boolean
Person Responsible Code[20]
Phase Code Code[20]
Task Code Code[20]
Step Code Code[20]
Invoice Amount Decimal
Work Type Code Code[10]
Description 2 Text[50]
Unit of Measure Code Code[20]
KVSPSAInvoicUnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]
Qty. per Unit of Measure Decimal
Invoicing Qty. per UOM Decimal
Quantity (Base) Decimal
Invoicing Quantity (Base) Decimal
Responsibility Center Code[10]
KVSPSAInvoicing Type Enum (KVSPSAPspInvoicingType)
Posting Date Date
Efficiency Date Date
Currency Code Code[10]
Outstanding Sales Total Price Decimal
Budget Line No. Integer
SumLine Boolean
To-Do No. Code[20]
Invoicing Quantity Decimal
Sales Total Amount Decimal
Amount Invoiced Decimal
Deduction Amount Decimal
Line Discount Amount Decimal
Invoicing Integration Option OptionMembers: PSP-Line,Budget-Lines,'',Blank
Invoicing Delimitation Amount Decimal
Rest Amount to Delimination Decimal
Job Ledger Comment Boolean
Cross-Ref. Sales Order Code[20]
Cross-Ref. Sales Order Line Integer
Deduction with Parent Line Boolean
Create direct Invoiceline Boolean
Prepare Sales Order Boolean
Problem ID Option OptionMembers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
Problemtext Text[100]
Infotext Text[150]
QtyBase in SalesLine Decimal
KVSPSAEfficiency Resource Name Text[100]
Invoice Source Option OptionMembers: Job,Payment Plan,Advanced Plan
Job Paym. Plan Re-Invoice Boolean
Source IC Partner Job No. Code[20]
Source IC Partner Bud.Line No. Integer
Source IC Partner Work Package Code[20]
Source IC Partner Phase Code Code[20]
Source IC Partner Task Code Code[20]
Source IC Partner Step Code Code[20]
Qty. Usage Decimal FlowField
ToDo Filter Code[20] FlowFilter
Budgetline Filter Integer FlowFilter
Res. No. (Inv. Resp.) Code[20]
Sell-to Customer No. Code[20]


CalcSalesAmount() :#

procedure CalcSalesAmount(): 

OpenLedgerEntryComment() :#

Summary: Opens the ledger entry comment, based on the project ledger entry no.

procedure OpenLedgerEntryComment():