Name | Type | Note |
Job No. | Code[20] | |
Version No. | Code[20] | |
Line No. | Integer | |
Phase Code | Code[20] | |
Task Code | Code[20] | |
Step Code | Code[20] | |
Type | Option | OptionMembers: ,Work Package,Heading,Begin-Total,End-Total,Heading-Sum,Block |
No. | Code[20] | |
Starting Date | Date | |
Description | Text[100] | |
Quantity | Decimal | |
Direct Unit Cost (LCY) | Decimal | |
Unit Cost (LCY) | Decimal | |
Total Cost (Budget LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Unit Price (LCY) | Decimal | |
Total Price (Budget LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Manual Unit Price | Boolean | |
Date Filter | Date | FlowFilter |
Qty. (Job Budget) | Decimal | FlowField |
Total Cost (LCY) | Decimal | |
Total Price (LCY) | Decimal | |
Job Budget Name | Code[10] | |
Active | Boolean | |
Comment | Integer | FlowField |
Previous Text | Boolean | FlowField |
Indentation | Integer | |
Subtotal Total Cost (Budget) | Decimal | |
Subtotal Total Price (Budget) | Decimal | |
Subtotal Total Cost | Decimal | FlowField |
Subtotal Total Price (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Position No. | Code[20] | |
Totaling | Text[30] | |
Usage Quantity (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Usage Total Cost (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Usage Total Price (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Ending Date | Date | |
Blocked | Boolean | |
Job Status | Enum Job Status | FlowField |
Work Status | Enum (KVSPSAWorkStatusType) | |
After Text | Boolean | FlowField |
Job Ledger Entry Exist | Boolean | FlowField |
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Code[20] | |
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Code[20] | |
Dimension Set ID | Integer | |
Subtotal Total Cost (Usage) | Decimal | |
Subtotal Total Price (Usage) | Decimal | |
Subtotal Qty. (Budget) | Decimal | |
Subtotal Qty. (Usage) | Decimal | |
Subtotal Total Qty. | Decimal | FlowField |
Subtotal Total Sales Qty. | Decimal | FlowField |
Subtotal SalesQuoteAmt | Decimal | |
Subtotal SalesOrderAmt | Decimal | |
Subtotal SalesInvoiceAmt | Decimal | |
KVSPSAInvoicing Type | Enum (KVSPSAPspInvoicingType) | |
Subtotal SalesOrderOutstdAmt | Decimal | |
Subtotal Line Disc. Amt (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Work Type Code | Code[10] | |
Requisition | Boolean | |
Description 2 | Text[50] | |
Differing Sales Description | Text[100] | |
Differing Sales Description 2 | Text[50] | |
Location Code | Code[10] | |
Bin Code | Code[20] | |
Invoicing Quantity | Decimal | |
Manual Invoicing Quantity | Boolean | |
Suspend from Invoice | Boolean | |
KVSPSAInvoicUnitOfMeasureCode | Code[10] | |
Unit of Measure Code | Code[10] | |
Sale Quantity (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Sale - Total Cost (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Sale - Total Price (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Sale Subtotal Total Cost (LCY) | Decimal | |
SaleSubtotal Total Price (LCY) | Decimal | |
Sale Subtotal Qty. (LCY) | Decimal | |
Budget Line Existing | Boolean | FlowField |
Outstanding Sales Total Price | Decimal | |
Subtotal Outstand. Sale Price | Decimal | |
Calculation Formula Existing | Boolean | Warning: Obsolete FlowField |
Job Progress % | Decimal | |
Posting Progress % | Decimal | |
Subtotal Posting Progress | Decimal | |
Posting Progress incl. Commit. | Decimal | |
Subtotal Posting Progress Comm | Decimal | |
Earned Value | Decimal | |
Cost Variance | Decimal | |
Cost Variance % | Decimal | |
Estimated Total Cost | Decimal | |
Earned Value Subtotal | Decimal | |
Cost Variance Subtotal | Decimal | |
Cost Variance % Subtotal | Decimal | |
Estimated Total Cost Subtotal | Decimal | |
Order | Decimal | |
No. of Precursors | Integer | FlowField |
Precursors | Text[250] | |
Level No. | Integer | |
Milestone | Boolean | |
Copy from Line No. | Integer | |
KVSPSATo-Do Progress | Integer | |
Commitment (LCY) | Decimal | Warning: Obsolete FlowField |
Subtotal Commitment (LCY) | Decimal | |
Time Commitment | Decimal | FlowField |
Time Cost Commitment (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Subtotal Time Commitment | Decimal | |
Subtotal Time Cost Com. (LCY) | Decimal | |
Variance Qty | Decimal | |
Variance Total Cost | Decimal | |
Posted Time Qty. | Decimal | FlowField |
Resource Filter | Code[20] | FlowFilter |
Belongs to Line | Integer | |
Line Discount % | Decimal | |
Line Discount Amount (LCY) | Decimal | |
Cost Factor | Decimal | |
Profit | Decimal | |
Profit % | Decimal | |
Actual Profit | Decimal | |
Actual Profit Percent | Decimal | |
Calc. Outst. Sales Price Type | Option | OptionMembers: ,Budget-Invoice,Used-Invoice,KVSPSAInvoice Ledger Entry,Milestoneplan,Budget-POC-Invoice |
Transfer in Sales Doc | Option | OptionMembers: PSP-Line,Budget-Lines,,No Transfer |
PSPStatus | Enum Job Status | |
Budget calculation | Boolean | |
Invoicing Delimination | Boolean | |
Invoicing Delimination % | Decimal | |
Invoicing Integration | Option | OptionMembers: PSP-Line,Budget-Lines,,No Transfer |
Use as bundle | Boolean | |
Esti. Amt to Compl. Bud. (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Time Posting w. Progress | Boolean | |
Stock Liability | Decimal | Warning: Obsolete |
StockLiability | Decimal | FlowField |
Sales Budget Blocked | Boolean | |
Closing Date | Date | |
Calculation Base EVA | Option | Warning: Obsolete OptionMembers: PSP,Budget |
To-Do Progress PSP | Integer | |
Automatic Progess Calculation | Boolean | |
Sales Invoice Amount | Decimal | FlowField |
Sales Order Amount | Decimal | FlowField |
Sales Quote Amount | Decimal | FlowField |
Budget Line Disc. Amount (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Payment Plan Entry Filter | Integer | FlowFilter |
Sales Order Outstd. Amount | Decimal | FlowField |
Show in Res. Capacity Plan | Option | OptionMembers: Budget,Job To-Do's |
Ignore Paym.-Plan in Inv-Sugg. | Boolean | |
Assigned as Milestone Base | Boolean | FlowField |
ActualExpansionStatus | Integer | |
Usage Invoicing Qty. | Decimal | FlowField |
Subtotal Usage Invoicing Qty. | Decimal | |
PSP Line Selected by User | Code[50] | |
WP-BOM in Usage | Boolean | |
Duration in Days | Integer | |
Planning Type | Option | OptionMembers: Automatic,Manual |
No Consideration in Planning | Boolean | |
Fixed Starting Date | Boolean | |
Fixed Ending Date | Boolean | |
No. of Successors | Integer | FlowField |
Successors | Text[250] | |
Subproject Manager | Code[20] | |
Subproject Manager Name | Text[100] | FlowField |
Invoice Currency Factor | Decimal | |
Invoice Currency Date | Date | |
Unit Price (ICY) | Decimal | |
Total Price (ICY) | Decimal | |
Line Discount Amount (ICY) | Decimal | |
Total Price Budget (ICY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Budget Line Disc. Amount (ICY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Subtotal Total Price | Decimal | FlowField |
Subtotal Line Disc. Amt | Decimal | FlowField |
Job Invoice Currency Code | Code[10] | FlowField |
Usage Total Price | Decimal | FlowField |
Sale - Total Price | Decimal | FlowField |
Sale - Line Amount (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Sale - Line Amount | Decimal | Warning: Obsolete |
Sale - Discount Amount (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Sale - Discount Amount | Decimal | Warning: Obsolete |
Qty. post. Inv. Ledger | Decimal | FlowField |
Inv. Qty. post. Inv. Ledger | Decimal | FlowField |
IC Partner Code | Code[20] | |
Status IC Post Processing | Option | OptionMembers: ,Open,Processed |
Source IC Partner Work Package | Code[20] | |
Source IC Partner Phase Code | Code[20] | |
Source IC Partner Task Code | Code[20] | |
Source IC Partner Step Code | Code[20] | |
Qty. IC Obligo (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Total Price IC Obligo (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
New Starting Date (PL) | Date | |
New Ending Date (PL) | Date | |
New Duration in Days (PL) | Integer | |
Planning Conflict (PL) | Boolean | |
Phase Code (Template) | Code[20] | |
Task Code (Template) | Code[20] | |
Step Code (Template) | Code[20] | |
Template No. | Code[20] | |
Template Line No. | Integer | |
Sell-to Customer No. | Code[20] | |
Sell-to Customer Name | Text[100] | FlowField |
Bill-to Customer No. | Code[20] | |
Bill-to Customer Name | Text[100] | FlowField |
Budget Status | Option | OptionMembers: ,in check,released,rejected |
Created by Sales Document | Boolean | |
Distr. Calc. Formula Code | Code[20] | |
Quantity Assigned | Decimal | FlowField |
Quantity Unassigned | Decimal | |
Period Unit Type | Enum (KVSPSAPeriodUnitType) | |
Quantity Periods | Integer | |
Quantity (Actual) | Decimal | |
Rem. Quantity (Usage) | Decimal | |
Sales Total (Open) | Decimal | |
Qty. (Planned in Fut.) | Decimal | |
Last Planning Update | Date | |
Last Invoicing Update | Date | |
Invoicing Quantity Fixed | Boolean | |
Hide Invoicing | Boolean | |
Inv. Quantity Assigned | Decimal | FlowField |
Inv. Qty. Unassigned | Decimal | |
Inv. Quantity (Open) | Decimal | |
Missing Distr. Reason Type | Enum (KVSPSADistributionReasonType) | |
Inv. Amount Assigned | Decimal | FlowField |
Inv. Amount Unassigned | Decimal | |
Outst. Order Amount | Decimal | FlowField |
Do not Calc. Distr. Sugg. Line | Boolean | |
Period Filter Code | Code[20] | |
Last Manual Update | Date | |
Amount Periods | Decimal | |
Distribution Level Type | Enum (KVSPSADistributionLevelType) | |
Time Com. (Inv. Qty) | Decimal | FlowField |
Quantity Act + Comm. | Decimal | |
Remaining Quantity | Decimal | |
Inv. Qty Act + Comm. | Decimal | |
Remaining Inv. Quantity | Decimal | |
Actual + Commitment Costs | Decimal | |
Amount Remaining Budget | Decimal | |
Remaining Total Price | Decimal | |
Total Cost Commitment | Decimal | |
Quantity prev. Version | Decimal | |
Inv. Qty prev. Version | Decimal | |
Total Cost prev. Version | Decimal | |
Total Price prev. Version | Decimal | |
Quantity Origin | Decimal | |
Inv. Quantity Origin | Decimal | |
Total Cost Origin | Decimal | |
Total Price Origin | Decimal | |
Transfer Addition | Boolean | |
Is Addition | Boolean | |
Addition at | Date | |
Add. from PSP Version | Code[20] | |
Add. from PSP Job Bud | Code[20] | |
Add. from PSP Descr. | Text[100] | |
Subt. Qty. Act. + Comm. | Decimal | |
Subt. Rem. Quantity | Decimal | |
Subt. Rem. Inv. Qty | Decimal | |
Subt. Total Cost A. + C. | Decimal | |
Subt. Rem. Total Cost | Decimal | |
Subt. Rem. Total Price | Decimal | |
Subt. Total Cost Com. | Decimal | |
Subt. Quantity Expected | Decimal | |
Subt. Inv. Qty. Exp. | Decimal | |
Subt. Total Cost Exp. | Decimal | |
Subt. Total Price Exp. | Decimal | |
Skip Origin Check | Boolean | |
Transferred to Origin | Boolean | |
Keep Total Quantity | Boolean | |
Is New Version Copy | Boolean | |
Use Resource Capacity | Boolean | |
Distribution Base Type | Enum (KVSPSADistributionBaseType) | |
Total Cost Assigned | Decimal | FlowField |
Total Cost Unassigned | Decimal | |
Rounding Precision | Decimal | |
Total Cost (Act. + Pl.) | Decimal | |
Total Cost (Act. + Pl. Budget) | Decimal | FlowField |
No Active Planning | Boolean | |
Distribute Differences | Boolean | |
Line Updated | Boolean | |
Quantity Assigned (Period) | Decimal | FlowField |
Starting Date Filter (Distr.) | Date | FlowFilter |
Ending Date Filter (Distr.) | Date | FlowFilter |
Inv. Qty. Assign. (Period) | Decimal | FlowField |
Total Cost As. (Period) | Decimal | FlowField |
Total Price As. (Period) | Decimal | FlowField |
Sell-To Contact No. | Code[20] | |
Bill-To Contact No. | Code[20] | |
Use in Resource Planning | Boolean | |
RequestedNotPlannedQty | Decimal | FlowField |
RequestedPlannedQty | Decimal | FlowField |
OpenResourcePlanning | Boolean | FlowField |
Subt. Total Cost Act.+Pl. | Decimal | FlowField |
BudgetIntoPSPLine(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal) :#
procedure BudgetIntoPSPLine(CostSum: Decimal; PriceSum: Decimal; DiscountSum: Decimal; PriceSumFCY: Decimal; DiscountSumFCY: Decimal):
BudgetIntoPSPLineWithQuestion() :#
procedure BudgetIntoPSPLineWithQuestion():
CalcMileStonePaymentPlans(Boolean) :#
procedure CalcMileStonePaymentPlans(ForAdvance: Boolean):
CalcQtyperUOM(Boolean) : Decimal#
This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.
[Obsolete('Replaced by CalcQtyperUOM(Invoicing: Boolean; SkipBlockCheck: Boolean): Decimal', '25.1')]
procedure CalcQtyperUOM(Invoicing: Boolean): Decimal
CalcQtyperUOM(Boolean, Boolean) : Decimal#
procedure CalcQtyperUOM(Invoicing: Boolean; SkipBlockCheck: Boolean): Decimal
CalcStockLiability() : Decimal#
procedure CalcStockLiability(): Decimal
CalculatePurchaseLiabilityLCY() : Decimal#
procedure CalculatePurchaseLiabilityLCY(): Decimal
ChangeDate() :#
procedure ChangeDate():
CheckConsistence(Boolean) :#
procedure CheckConsistence(FromInsertTrigger: Boolean):
CheckPaymentPlanTotal(Option) :#
procedure CheckPaymentPlanTotal(MessageType: Option):
ClearIndentationForCurrentHeader() :#
procedure ClearIndentationForCurrentHeader():
CreateDim(List) :#
procedure CreateDim(DefaultDimSource: List):
CreateNewUserTask() :#
procedure CreateNewUserTask():
DocumentNavigate() :#
procedure DocumentNavigate():
DrillDownBudgetField() :#
procedure DrillDownBudgetField():
DrillDownCommitment() :#
procedure DrillDownCommitment():
DrillDownSalesAmountField(Option) :#
procedure DrillDownSalesAmountField(DocType: Option):
DrillDownSalesField() :#
procedure DrillDownSalesField():
DrillDownTimeCommitment(Option) :#
procedure DrillDownTimeCommitment(TimeCommitmentType: Option):
DrillDownUsageField() :#
procedure DrillDownUsageField():
DrillDownUsageField(Boolean) :#
procedure DrillDownUsageField(CalledFromQuantityField: Boolean):
ExplodeBlock() :#
procedure ExplodeBlock():
ExplodeBomAndRecalculateSums() :#
procedure ExplodeBomAndRecalculateSums():
FillSumLinesForPage() :#
procedure FillSumLinesForPage():
FindPrice(Integer) :#
Summary: Find Unit Price
procedure FindPrice(CalledByFieldNo: Integer):
: The field number that called this function
FindUnitCost(Integer) :#
Summary: Find Unit Cost
procedure FindUnitCost(CalledByFieldNo: Integer):
: The field number that called this function
GetFilteredBudgetLinesForWBSLine(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line) :#
Summary: GetFilteredBudgetLinesForWBSLine filters the JobBudgetline on the primary key fields. Other filters will be cleared (with reset)
procedure GetFilteredBudgetLinesForWBSLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"):
GetFilteredBudgetLinesForWBSLine(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer) :#
Summary: GetFilteredBudgetLinesForWBSLine filters the JobBudgetline on the primary key fields. The filters will be set in the filter group to use, and is reset to 0. Other filters will be cleared (with reset)
procedure GetFilteredBudgetLinesForWBSLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; FilterGroupToUse: Integer):
: The filter group, which is used for the primary key filters.JobBudgetLine
: Returns the filtered budget lines.
Example: If you use filtergroup, the user cannot remove the filter. This is good for lookups.
GetLineNoAndUniquePos() : Text#
procedure GetLineNoAndUniquePos(): Text
GetLineTypeStyle(Boolean) : Text#
procedure GetLineTypeStyle(ForSums: Boolean): Text
InitNewRecord() :#
procedure InitNewRecord():
InsertTextWorkPackage() :#
procedure InsertTextWorkPackage():
InvCurrencyAssist() :#
procedure InvCurrencyAssist():
JobLedgerEntryExisting(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine) : Boolean#
Summary: Check if Job Ledger Entries exist for actual Job WBS Line
procedure JobLedgerEntryExisting(JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"): Boolean
: The Job WBS Line
Returns: True if Job Ledger Entries exist, otherwise False
KVSPSACalcInvoicingQuantity(Decimal) : Decimal#
Summary: Calculates the invoicing quantity from the planning quantity.
procedure KVSPSACalcInvoicingQuantity(PlanningQuantity: Decimal): Decimal
KVSPSACalcToDoProgress() :#
Summary: KVSPSACalcToDoProgress: Calculates the total progress of the assigned budget lines. for each line, the budget quantity will be taken as the target, and the progress will be calculated using the progress % - field. (not the posted quantities!)
the field KVSPSATo-Do Progress will be filled, the record not modified.
procedure KVSPSACalcToDoProgress():
KVSPSACalcToDoProgressAndPSPCombined() :#
Summary: KVSPSACalcToDoProgressAndPSPCombined: Calculates the total progress of the assigned budget lines. for each line, the budget quantity will be taken as the target, and the progress will be calculated using the progress % - field. (not the posted quantities!)
the fields KVSPSATo-Do Progress and To-Do Progress PSP will be filled, the record not modified.
procedure KVSPSACalcToDoProgressAndPSPCombined():
KVSPSAExplodeBOM() :#
Summary: Transfers all lines of a work package bom, if it exists, into budget lines.
procedure KVSPSAExplodeBOM():
ModifyWorkPackageLinesFromBeginTotal(Option) :#
procedure ModifyWorkPackageLinesFromBeginTotal(FieldToChange: Option):
MovePSPLine() :#
procedure MovePSPLine():
NewLine(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean) :#
procedure NewLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; InsertLineBefore: Boolean):
PSPBudgetExisting() : Boolean#
Summary: PSPBudgetExisting tells you, if a budgetline exists for the psp line.
procedure PSPBudgetExisting(): Boolean
Returns: true, if at least one budget line has been created, and false, if no line exists.
RecalcWPBOM() :#
Summary: Recalc Work Package BOM
procedure RecalcWPBOM():
SetDontSetStatusToHeader() :#
procedure SetDontSetStatusToHeader():
SetHideDialogs(Boolean) :#
Summary: Hide Dialogs
procedure SetHideDialogs(NewValue: Boolean):
SetSkipWPText(Boolean) :#
Summary: Allows skipping the texts of a work package
procedure SetSkipWPText(SkipWPText: Boolean):
ShowBudget() :#
procedure ShowBudget():
ShowCommentLines() :#
procedure ShowCommentLines():
ShowDimensions() :#
procedure ShowDimensions():
ShowInteractionLogEntries() :#
procedure ShowInteractionLogEntries():
ShowJobPaymentPlan(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine) :#
procedure ShowJobPaymentPlan(KVSPSAJobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"):
ShowMilestoneLinksToLine() :#
procedure ShowMilestoneLinksToLine():
ShowShortcutDimCode(Code[20]) :#
procedure ShowShortcutDimCode(var ShortcutDimCode: Code[20]):
ShowTaskLinksFromLine() :#
procedure ShowTaskLinksFromLine():
ShowTaskLinksToLine() :#
procedure ShowTaskLinksToLine():
ShowTextLines(Enum KVSKBATextPosition) :#
procedure ShowTextLines(TextPosition: Enum "KVSKBATextPosition"):
ShowWPStatistic() :#
procedure ShowWPStatistic():
SuspendJobBlockedCheck(Boolean) :#
procedure SuspendJobBlockedCheck(Suspend: Boolean):
TransferBudgetQty() :#
procedure TransferBudgetQty():
UpdateJobPayPlanToMilestoneLines() :#
procedure UpdateJobPayPlanToMilestoneLines():
UpdateSalesPriceFCY() :#
procedure UpdateSalesPriceFCY():
UpdateSalesPriceLCY() :#
procedure UpdateSalesPriceLCY():
ValidateShortcutDimCode(Integer, Code[20]) :#
procedure ValidateShortcutDimCode(FieldNumber: Integer; var ShortcutDimCode: Code[20]):
KVSPSAOnAfterBudgetIntoPSPLine(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterBudgetIntoPSPLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnAfterBudgetIntoPSPLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterBudgetIntoPSPLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine")
KVSPSAOnAfterFillSumLinesForPage(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterFillSumLinesForPage(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnAfterFillSumLinesForPage', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterFillSumLinesForPage(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine")
KVSPSAOnAfterInitNewRecord(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterInitNewRecord(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnAfterInitNewRecord', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterInitNewRecord(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine")
KVSPSAOnAfterTransferBOMToBudgetLine(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterTransferBOMToBudgetLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnAfterTransferBOMToBudgetLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterTransferBOMToBudgetLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line")
KVSPSAOnAfterTransferWorkPackageFieldToPSPLine(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Record KVSPSAWork Package) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterTransferWorkPackageFieldToPSPLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; WorkPackage: Record "KVSPSAWork Package"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnAfterTransferWorkPackageFieldToPSPLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterTransferWorkPackageFieldToPSPLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; WorkPackage: Record "KVSPSAWork Package")
KVSPSAOnBeforeAskDeleteDistributionQuestion(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeAskDeleteDistributionQuestion(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; xJobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var SkipMessage: Boolean; var DeleteDistribution: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeAskDeleteDistributionQuestion', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeAskDeleteDistributionQuestion(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; xJobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var SkipMessage: Boolean; var DeleteDistribution: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeAskForBudgetUpdateWhenChangingFromWithoutCalc(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeAskForBudgetUpdateWhenChangingFromWithoutCalc(JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeAskForBudgetUpdateWhenChangingFromWithoutCalc', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeAskForBudgetUpdateWhenChangingFromWithoutCalc(JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeBudgetIntoPSPLine(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeBudgetIntoPSPLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var CostSum: Decimal; var PriceSum: Decimal; var DiscountSum: Decimal; var PriceSumFCY: Decimal; var DiscountSumFCY: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeBudgetIntoPSPLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeBudgetIntoPSPLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var CostSum: Decimal; var PriceSum: Decimal; var DiscountSum: Decimal; var PriceSumFCY: Decimal; var DiscountSumFCY: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeCalcToDoProgress(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeCalcToDoProgress(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeCalcToDoProgress', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeCalcToDoProgress(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeCalcToDoProgressAndPSPCombinedForBudget(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeCalcToDoProgressAndPSPCombinedForBudget(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeCalcToDoProgressAndPSPCombinedForBudget', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeCalcToDoProgressAndPSPCombinedForBudget(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeClosePSPLine(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean) :#
Summary: This Event is raised at the beginning of the procedure ClosePSPLine. If the event is handled, the procedure ClosePSPLine will not be executed.
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeClosePSPLine(JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeClosePSPLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeClosePSPLine(JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeConfirmRecalcWPBOM(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean, Boolean, Integer) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeConfirmRecalcWPBOM(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var DoRecalcWPBOM: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean; CurrFieldNo: Integer):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeConfirmRecalcWPBOM', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeConfirmRecalcWPBOM(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var DoRecalcWPBOM: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean; CurrFieldNo: Integer)
KVSPSAOnBeforeCreateDim(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean, List) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeCreateDim(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var DefaultDimSource: List):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeCreateDim', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeCreateDim(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var DefaultDimSource: List)
KVSPSAOnBeforeDrillDownSetFilterPurchaseLiabilityLCY(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Record Purchase Line) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeDrillDownSetFilterPurchaseLiabilityLCY(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeDrillDownSetFilterPurchaseLiabilityLCY', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeDrillDownSetFilterPurchaseLiabilityLCY(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line")
KVSPSAOnBeforeExplodeBOM(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeExplodeBOM(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeExplodeBOM', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeExplodeBOM(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeFillBudgetCalculation(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Record KVSPSAWork Package, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeFillBudgetCalculation(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; WorkPackage: Record "KVSPSAWork Package"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeFillBudgetCalculation', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeFillBudgetCalculation(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; WorkPackage: Record "KVSPSAWork Package"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeJobLedgerEntryExisting(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeJobLedgerEntryExisting(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeJobLedgerEntryExisting', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeJobLedgerEntryExisting(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeSetFilterPurchaseLiabilityLCY(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Record Purchase Line, Boolean, Decimal, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeSetFilterPurchaseLiabilityLCY(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var PurchaseLiabilityLCY: Decimal; GLAccount: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeSetFilterPurchaseLiabilityLCY', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeSetFilterPurchaseLiabilityLCY(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var PurchaseLiabilityLCY: Decimal; GLAccount: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeTransferBOMToBudgetLine(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeTransferBOMToBudgetLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeTransferBOMToBudgetLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeTransferBOMToBudgetLine(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line")
KVSPSAOnBeforeTransferBudgetQty(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeTransferBudgetQty(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeTransferBudgetQty', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeTransferBudgetQty(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateSalesPriceFCY(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Code[10]) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateSalesPriceFCY(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var JobInvoiceCurrencyCode: Code[10]):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateSalesPriceFCY', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateSalesPriceFCY(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var JobInvoiceCurrencyCode: Code[10])
KVSPSAOnBeforeValidateInvoicingQuantityAndPricesInInvoicingType(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine, Boolean, Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeValidateInvoicingQuantityAndPricesInInvoicingType(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var xJobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeValidateInvoicingQuantityAndPricesInInvoicingType', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeValidateInvoicingQuantityAndPricesInInvoicingType(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var xJobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine")
OnAfterCalcAmounts(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine) :#
Summary: This Event is raised after the procedure CalcAmounts is executed
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterCalcAmounts(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'OnAfterCalcAmounts', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterCalcAmounts(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine")
OnAfterTransferBudgetIntoWBSLineRecalcWPBOM(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine) :#
Summary: This Event is raised after call the procedure TransferBudgetIntoWBSLine inside RecalcWPBOM
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterTransferBudgetIntoWBSLineRecalcWPBOM(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAJobPSPLine", 'OnAfterTransferBudgetIntoWBSLineRecalcWPBOM', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterTransferBudgetIntoWBSLineRecalcWPBOM(var JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine")