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Name Type Note
Line No. Integer
Job No. Code[20]
Posting Date Date
Document No. Code[20]
Type Option OptionMembers: Resource,Item,G/L Account
No. Code[20]
Description Text[100]
Quantity Decimal
Direct Unit Cost (LCY) Decimal
Unit Cost (LCY) Decimal
Total Cost (LCY) Decimal
Unit Price Decimal
Total Price Decimal
Resource Group No. Code[20]
Unit of Measure Code Code[10]
Location Code Code[10]
Chargeable Boolean
Job Posting Group Code[20]
Work Type Code Code[10]
Customer Price Group Code[10]
Post Job Entry Only Boolean
Phase Code Code[20]
Task Code Code[20]
Step Code Code[20]
Entry Type Enum Job Journal Line Entry Type
Source Code Code[10]
Profit % Decimal
Applies-to Entry Integer
Applies-to ID Code[20]
Transaction Type Code[10]
Transport Method Code[10]
Country/Region Code Code[10]
Entry/Exit Point Code[10]
Document Date Date
External Document No. Code[35]
KVSPSAArea Code[10]
Transaction Specification Code[10]
Posting No. Series Code[20]
Source Currency Code Code[10]
Source Currency Total Cost Decimal
Source Currency Total Price Decimal
Entry No. Time Ledger Decimal
Quatity unproductive Decimal
Posted Time Quantity Decimal
Employee No. Code[20]
KVSPSAInvoicing Type Enum (KVSPSAPspInvoicingType)
Person Responsible Code[20]
Job Account No. Code[20]
Invoicing Quantity Decimal
Correction Boolean
Correction of Entry No. Integer
Work Package Code Code[20]
Assigned Res.-No. Code[20]
Assigned Job Ledger Entry Integer
Budget Line No. Integer
Posted Sales Document Type Option OptionMembers: ,,Invoice,Credit Memo
Post. Sales Document No. Code[20]
Post. Sales Document Line No. Integer
Sales Job Ledger Entry Integer
KVSPSAInvoicUnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]
Invoicing Qty. per UOM Decimal
Invoicing Quantity (Base) Decimal
Old Sales Job Ledger Entry Integer
Old Assigned Job Ledger Entry Integer
Assignment Deleted Boolean
Line Discount Amount Decimal
Line Discount Amount (LCY) Decimal
Invoice Currency Code Code[10]
Invoice Currency Factor Decimal
Description 2 Text[50]
Line Discount % Decimal
Variant Code Code[10]
Bin Code Code[20]
Qty. per Unit of Measure Decimal
Quantity (Base) Decimal
Service Order No. Code[20]
To-Do No. Code[20]
Source IC Partner Job No. Code[20]
Source IC Partner Bud.Line No. Integer
Source IC Partner Work Package Code[20]
Source IC Partner Phase Code Code[20]
Source IC Partner Task Code Code[20]
Source IC Partner Step Code Code[20]
Comments (Job Ledger Entry) Boolean FlowField
Efficiency Date Date
Efficiency Resource No. Code[20]
Efficiency Unit of Meas. Code Code[10]
Efficiency Resource Name Text[100]
Application Cancellation Text[100]