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Name Type Note
ZDE No. Code[20]
Date Date
Line No. Integer
Document No. Code[20]
Res.-No. Code[20] Warning: Obsolete
Job No. Code[20]
Description Text[100]
Quantity Decimal
Resource Group No. Code[20]
Chargeable Boolean
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Code[20]
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Code[20]
Work Type Code Code[10]
Dimension Set ID Integer
Job Description Text[100] FlowField
Work Package Code Code[20]
Phase Code Code[20]
Task Code Code[20]
Step Code Code[20]
Budget Line No. Integer
KVSPSAInvoicing Type Enum (KVSPSAPspInvoicingType)
Person Responsible Code[20]
Reason Absence Code Code[10]
Start Time Time
End Time Time
Break Time Decimal
Break Minutes Integer
Unit Cost Decimal
KVSPSATo-Do Progress Integer
Service Document Type Enum Service Document Type
Service Document No. Code[20]
Service Line No. Integer
Job Document No. Code[20]
Job Document Line No. Integer
Invoicing Quantity Decimal
To-Do Invoicing % Decimal
To-Do Chargeable Boolean
KVSPSA25er Progress Enum (KVSPSA25erProgressType)
Description 2 Text[50]
Comment Boolean FlowField
Entry No. Job Entry Employee Integer
Entry No. Job Time Integer
To-Do No. Code[20]
Qty. to Complete Decimal
Contact No. Code[20]
Manual Invoicing Qty. Boolean
Cancelled Boolean