Name | Type | Note |
No. | Code[20] | |
Description | Text[50] | |
Address | Text[100] | Warning: Obsolete |
Address 2 | Text[50] | |
City | Text[30] | |
Sales Person | Code[20] | |
Salesperson Name | Text[50] | FlowField |
Job Flat No. | Code[20] | |
Country/Region Code | Code[10] | |
Comment exists | Boolean | FlowField |
UpdCustAddAfterHandover | Boolean | |
PlannedReadyToMoveInBuilding | Date | |
CustAddressUpdated | Boolean | |
Post Code | Code[20] | |
County | Text[30] | |
VAT Prod. Posting Group | Code[20] | |
Status | Enum (KVSPSAREFlatStatus) | |
Last Change (Status) | DateTime | |
Planned Notary Appointment | Date | |
Reservation Fee paid | DateTime | |
Global Dimension 1 Code | Code[20] | |
Global Dimension 2 Code | Code[20] | |
No. Series | Code[20] | |
Global Dimension Name 1 | Text[50] | FlowField |
Global Dimension Name 2 | Text[50] | FlowField |
Contact No. | Code[20] | |
Contact Name | Text[100] | FlowField |
Customer No. | Code[20] | |
Customer Name | Text[100] | FlowField |
Customer Name 2 | Text[100] | FlowField |
Corridor No. | Text[20] | |
Transfer of use and lases Land | Date | |
Ready to move in building | Date | |
Type of Parking Position | Enum (KVSPSARETypeOfParkingPosition) | |
Land Register Sheet | Text[50] | |
Blocked | Enum (KVSPSAREFlatBlocked) | |
Maintenance | Option | OptionMembers: ,In Progress,Maintenance Completed |
StatusCheckingMandFields | Enum (KVSKBAStatusCheckingMandFields) | |
Blocked By | Option | OptionMembers: ,Checking Mandatory Fields,User,Sanction Check,Mandat. Fields & Sanction Check,Sanction Check (Document) |
Blocked (User) | Enum (KVSPSAREFlatBlocked) | |
NoticeOfConveyanceAvailable | Boolean | |
Living Space | Decimal | |
Layer | Text[30] | |
Floor | Integer | |
Room Count | Decimal | |
Land Area | Decimal | |
Net Building Area | Decimal | |
Floor Area | Decimal | |
Co-Ownership Share | Decimal | |
Building Year | Integer | |
Publicly promoted Construction | Boolean | |
Building Type | Code[20] | |
Building Subtype | Code[20] | |
Parking Positions | Integer | |
Reservation Fee | Decimal | |
Reservation Fee back | DateTime | |
Credit Rating exists | Boolean | |
Notary Certificate | Text[30] | |
Gross Ground Area | Decimal | |
Business | Boolean | |
Notary Certificate Date | Date | |
Compensation (Realisiation) | Decimal | |
Proportionate Common Area | Decimal | |
Proportionate Parking Position | Decimal | |
Sum (Area) | Decimal | |
Excl. usable Area (sqm) | Decimal | |
Communal rental Area | Decimal | |
Contractual rental Area | Decimal | |
Service Charge relev. Area | Decimal | |
Sales Price | Decimal | |
Sales Price incl. Comp. Real. | Decimal | |
Price of Parking Positions | Decimal | |
Status Type | Enum (KVSPSAREFlatStatusType) | |
Building Type Description | Text[50] | FlowField |
Building Subtype Description | Text[50] | FlowField |
Agent Contract | Text[30] | |
Agent Contract Date | Date | |
Fixed Asset | Boolean | |
Fixed Asset set at | Date | |
Fixed Asset set by | Code[50] | |
Notary No. | Code[20] | |
Notary Name | Text[100] | FlowField |
Amount Assigned in Jobs | Integer | FlowField |
Create Auto. Invoice | Boolean | |
Assigned To Flat | Code[20] | |
Original Company | Text[30] |
CheckContactBusinessRelation() :#
procedure CheckContactBusinessRelation():
DeleteContactInFlat() :#
procedure DeleteContactInFlat():
GetCustomerForFlat() : Code[20]#
procedure GetCustomerForFlat(): Code[20]
GetNoSeriesCode() : Code[20]#
procedure GetNoSeriesCode(): Code[20]
UpdateCustomerInBudgetLines() :#
procedure UpdateCustomerInBudgetLines():
KVSPSAREOnAfterCreateFlatChangeEntry(Record KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry, Record KVSPSAREFlat) :#
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAREOnAfterCreateFlatChangeEntry(var FlatChangeEntry: Record "KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry"; Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAREFlat", 'KVSPSAREOnAfterCreateFlatChangeEntry', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAREOnAfterCreateFlatChangeEntry(var FlatChangeEntry: Record "KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry"; Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat")
KVSPSAREOnAfterShouldCreateChangeEntry(Record KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry, Record KVSPSAREFlat, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAREOnAfterShouldCreateChangeEntry(LastFlatChangeEntry: Record "KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry"; Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var ShouldCreateEntry: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAREFlat", 'KVSPSAREOnAfterShouldCreateChangeEntry', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAREOnAfterShouldCreateChangeEntry(LastFlatChangeEntry: Record "KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry"; Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var ShouldCreateEntry: Boolean)
KVSPSAREOnBeforeCheckFlatAlreadyAssignedToJob(Record KVSPSAREFlat, Boolean) :#
Summary: Use this event to customize the check whether an flat may be assigned to a job.
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAREOnBeforeCheckFlatAlreadyAssignedToJob(Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAREFlat", 'KVSPSAREOnBeforeCheckFlatAlreadyAssignedToJob', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAREOnBeforeCheckFlatAlreadyAssignedToJob(Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
: Actual selected flat to assign.IsHandled
: Should be set to true if the case was handled.
KVSPSAREOnBeforeShowCheckMandatoryFieldsAction(Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAREOnBeforeShowCheckMandatoryFieldsAction(var ShowAction: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAREFlat", 'KVSPSAREOnBeforeShowCheckMandatoryFieldsAction', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAREOnBeforeShowCheckMandatoryFieldsAction(var ShowAction: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAREOnLookupStatusCheckMandatoryFields(Record KVSPSAREFlat, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAREOnLookupStatusCheckMandatoryFields(var Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var isHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAREFlat", 'KVSPSAREOnLookupStatusCheckMandatoryFields', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAREOnLookupStatusCheckMandatoryFields(var Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var isHandled: Boolean)