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Name Type Note
No. Code[20]
Description Text[50]
Address Text[50]
Address 2 Text[50]
City Text[30]
Sales Person Code[20]
Salesperson Name Text[50] FlowField
Job Flat No. Code[20]
Country/Region Code Code[10]
Comment exists Boolean FlowField
UpdCustAddAfterHandover Boolean
PlannedReadyToMoveInBuilding Date
CustAddressUpdated Boolean
Post Code Code[20]
County Text[30]
VAT Prod. Posting Group Code[20]
Status Enum (KVSPSAREFlatStatus)
Last Change (Status) DateTime
Planned Notary Appointment Date
Reservation Fee paid DateTime
Global Dimension 1 Code Code[20]
Global Dimension 2 Code Code[20]
No. Series Code[20]
Global Dimension Name 1 Text[50] FlowField
Global Dimension Name 2 Text[50] FlowField
Contact No. Code[20]
Contact Name Text[100] FlowField
Customer No. Code[20]
Customer Name Text[100] FlowField
Corridor No. Text[20]
Transfer of use and lases Land Date
Ready to move in building Date
Type of Parking Position Enum (KVSPSARETypeOfParkingPosition)
Land Register Sheet Text[50]
Blocked Enum (KVSPSAREFlatBlocked)
Maintenance Option OptionMembers: ,In Progress,Maintenance Completed
StatusCheckingMandFields Enum (KVSKBAStatusCheckingMandFields)
Blocked By Option OptionMembers: ,Checking Mandatory Fields,User,Sanction Check,Mandat. Fields & Sanction Check,Sanction Check (Document)
Blocked (User) Enum (KVSPSAREFlatBlocked)
NoticeOfConveyanceAvailable Boolean
Living Space Decimal
Layer Text[30]
Floor Integer
Room Count Decimal
Land Area Decimal
Net Building Area Decimal
Floor Area Decimal
Co-Ownership Share Decimal
Building Year Integer
Publicly promoted Construction Boolean
Building Type Code[20]
Building Subtype Code[20]
Parking Positions Integer
Reservation Fee Decimal
Reservation Fee back DateTime
Credit Rating exists Boolean
Notary Certificate Text[30]
Gross Ground Area Decimal
Business Boolean
Notary Certificate Date Date
Compensation (Realisiation) Decimal
Proportionate Common Area Decimal
Proportionate Parking Position Decimal
Sum (Area) Decimal
Excl. usable Area (sqm) Decimal
Communal rental Area Decimal
Contractual rental Area Decimal
Service Charge relev. Area Decimal
Sales Price Decimal
Sales Price incl. Comp. Real. Decimal
Price of Parking Positions Decimal
Status Type Enum (KVSPSAREFlatStatusType)
Building Type Description Text[50] FlowField
Building Subtype Description Text[50] FlowField
Agent Contract Text[30]
Agent Contract Date Date
Fixed Asset Boolean
Fixed Asset set at Date
Fixed Asset set by Code[50]
Notary No. Code[20]
Notary Name Text[100] FlowField
Amount Assigned in Jobs Integer FlowField
Create Auto. Invoice Boolean
Assigned To Flat Code[20]
Original Company Text[30]


CheckContactBusinessRelation() :#

procedure CheckContactBusinessRelation(): 

DeleteContactInFlat() :#

procedure DeleteContactInFlat(): 

GetCustomerForFlat() : Code[20]#

procedure GetCustomerForFlat(): Code[20]

GetNoSeriesCode() : Code[20]#

procedure GetNoSeriesCode(): Code[20]

UpdateCustomerInBudgetLines() :#

procedure UpdateCustomerInBudgetLines(): 


KVSPSAREOnAfterCreateFlatChangeEntry(Record KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry, Record KVSPSAREFlat) :#

[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAREOnAfterCreateFlatChangeEntry(var FlatChangeEntry: Record "KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry"; Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAREFlat", 'KVSPSAREOnAfterCreateFlatChangeEntry', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAREOnAfterCreateFlatChangeEntry(var FlatChangeEntry: Record "KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry"; Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat")

KVSPSAREOnAfterShouldCreateChangeEntry(Record KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry, Record KVSPSAREFlat, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAREOnAfterShouldCreateChangeEntry(LastFlatChangeEntry: Record "KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry"; Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var ShouldCreateEntry: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAREFlat", 'KVSPSAREOnAfterShouldCreateChangeEntry', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAREOnAfterShouldCreateChangeEntry(LastFlatChangeEntry: Record "KVSPSAREFlatChangeEntry"; Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var ShouldCreateEntry: Boolean)

KVSPSAREOnBeforeCheckFlatAlreadyAssignedToJob(Record KVSPSAREFlat, Boolean) :#

Summary: Use this event to customize the check whether an flat may be assigned to a job.

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAREOnBeforeCheckFlatAlreadyAssignedToJob(Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAREFlat", 'KVSPSAREOnBeforeCheckFlatAlreadyAssignedToJob', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAREOnBeforeCheckFlatAlreadyAssignedToJob(Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


  • Flat: Actual selected flat to assign.
  • IsHandled: Should be set to true if the case was handled.

KVSPSAREOnBeforeShowCheckMandatoryFieldsAction(Boolean, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAREOnBeforeShowCheckMandatoryFieldsAction(var ShowAction: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAREFlat", 'KVSPSAREOnBeforeShowCheckMandatoryFieldsAction', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAREOnBeforeShowCheckMandatoryFieldsAction(var ShowAction: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

KVSPSAREOnLookupStatusCheckMandatoryFields(Record KVSPSAREFlat, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAREOnLookupStatusCheckMandatoryFields(var Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var isHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSAREFlat", 'KVSPSAREOnLookupStatusCheckMandatoryFields', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAREOnLookupStatusCheckMandatoryFields(var Flat: Record "KVSPSAREFlat"; var isHandled: Boolean)