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Name Type Note
Entry No. Integer
Source Type Integer
Source Subtype Option OptionMembers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Source ID Code[20]
Source Line No. Integer
Source Document Enum (KVSTRDLostSalesSourceDocument)
Entry Source Enum (KVSTRDLostSalesEntrySource)
Location Code Code[10]
Lost Sales (LCY) Decimal
Lost Sales Qty. (Base) Decimal
Entry Date Date
Posting Date Date
Sell-to Customer No. Code[20]
Customer Group Code Code[20] FlowField
Ship-to Code Code[10]
Bill-to Customer No. Code[20]
Type Enum Sales Line Type
No. Code[20]
Variant Code Code[10]
Description Text[100]
Description 2 Text[50]
Unit of Measure Code Code[10]
Qty. per Unit of Measure Decimal
Old Quantity Decimal
Old Quantity (Base) Decimal
New Quantity Decimal
New Quantity (Base) Decimal
Lost Sales Quantity Decimal
Currency Code Code[10]
Currency Factor Decimal
Old Amount (LCY) Decimal
New Amount (LCY) Decimal
Unit Price Decimal
Unit Price (LCY) Decimal
Prices Including VAT Boolean
Line Discount % Decimal
Old Inv. Disc. Amount Decimal
Old Inv. Disc. Amt. (LCY) Decimal
New Inv. Disc. Amount Decimal
New Inv. Disc. Amt. (LCY) Decimal
Unit Cost Decimal
Unit Cost (LCY) Decimal
User ID Code[50]
Posted Doc. Type Enum (KVSTRDLostSalesPostedDocType)
Posted Doc. No. Code[20]
Posted Doc. Line No. Integer
Blanket Order No. Code[20]
Blanket Order Line No. Integer
Global Dimension 1 Code Code[20]
Global Dimension 2 Code Code[20]
Dimension Set ID Integer
Sales Order Type Code[10]
Salesperson Code Code[20]
Salesperson Code 2 Code[20]
Job No. Code[20]
Item Category Code Code[20]


KVSTRDOnBeforeSetSourceDocument(Record Sales Line, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSTRDOnBeforeSetSourceDocument(SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSTRDLostSales", 'KVSTRDOnBeforeSetSourceDocument', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSTRDOnBeforeSetSourceDocument(SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

KVSTRDOnBeforeShowPostedDoc(Record KVSTRDLostSales, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSTRDOnBeforeShowPostedDoc(LostSales: Record "KVSTRDLostSales"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSTRDLostSales", 'KVSTRDOnBeforeShowPostedDoc', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSTRDOnBeforeShowPostedDoc(LostSales: Record "KVSTRDLostSales"; var IsHandled: Boolean)