Extends #437dbf0e84ff417a965ded2bb9650972#Item Journal Line
Name | Type | Note |
KVSKBACarrierCode | Code[20] | FlowField |
KVSKBAPostingCode | Code[10] | Warning: Obsolete |
KVSKBAAverageUnitCost | Decimal | |
KVSKBALastDirectCost | Decimal | |
KVSKBAAverageOriginalUnitCost | Decimal | |
KVSKBALowestValue | Decimal | |
KVSKBAStandardCost | Decimal | |
KVSKBADigSignUserID | Code[50] | |
KVSKBADigSignResourceNo | Code[20] | |
KVSKBAProductionDate | Date | |
KVSKBAExtLotNo | Code[50] | |
KVSKBAProdOrderNo | Code[20] | Warning: Obsolete |
KVSKBAProdOrderLineNo | Integer | Warning: Obsolete |
KVSKBAProdOrderComLineNo | Integer | Warning: Obsolete |
KVSKBAVendorNo | Code[20] | |
KVSKBATempSingleCancellation | Boolean |
KVSKBACreateWhseJnlLine(Record Item Journal Line, Integer, Integer, Code[20], Integer, Integer, Record Warehouse Journal Line, Integer, Decimal, Code[20]) :#
This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.
[Obsolete('The KVSKBAExtendedUndoLines will be replaced by the Microsoft standard. The deactivation takes place with release BC2025 Wave 2.', '25.3')]
procedure KVSKBACreateWhseJnlLine(ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; RefDoc: Integer; var TempWarehouseJournalLine: Record "Warehouse Journal Line" temporary; var NextLineNo: Integer; BaseQtyToCancel: Decimal; NewDocNo: Code[20]):
KVSKBASuspendItemVariantCheck(Boolean) :#
procedure KVSKBASuspendItemVariantCheck(NewItemVariantCheckSuspended: Boolean):