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Extends #437dbf0e84ff417a965ded2bb9650972#Job Cue


Name Type Note
KVSPSAPlanned Jobs as PM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAQuoted Jobs as PM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAOrder Jobs as PM Integer FlowField
KVSPSACompleted Jobs as PM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobTimeLedgerToTransCM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobTimeLedgerToTransLM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobTimeLedgerToTransfOld Integer FlowField
KVSPSAInvoice Plan CM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAInvoice Plan LM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAInvoice Plan Old Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJob Ledger to Invoice CM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJob Ledger to Invoice LM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobLedgerToInvoiceOld Integer FlowField
KVSPSAResource Filter Code[20] FlowFilter
KVSPSADate Filter3 Date FlowFilter
KVSPSABudget ToDos Prio A Integer FlowField
KVSPSABudget ToDos Prio B Integer FlowField
KVSPSABudget ToDos Prio C Integer FlowField
KVSPSABudget ToDos Prio D Integer FlowField
KVSPSAOrdersRelForInvoicing Integer FlowField
KVSPSABudget ToDos (All) Integer FlowField
KVSPSAAvailableResources Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobsWOResource Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobTimeLedtoTransferCM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobTimeLedtoTransferLM Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobTimeLedtoTransferOld Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobTimeLedTransferCMSub Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobTimeLedgtoTransfLMSub Integer FlowField
KVSPSAJobTiLedgtoTransfOldSub Integer FlowField
KVSPSANewTimeSheets Integer FlowField
KVSPSAOpenTimeSheets Integer FlowField
KVSPSASubmittedTimeSheets Integer FlowField