Extends #437dbf0e84ff417a965ded2bb9650972#Job Journal Line
Name | Type | Note |
KVSPSAResponsibility Center | Code[10] | |
KVSPSAJob Time System Date | Date | |
KVSPSAReverseSign19 | Boolean | |
KVSPSATo-Do No.19 | Code[20] | |
KVSPSACustomerNoVendorNo19 | Code[20] | |
KVSPSACustomerNameVendorName19 | Text[100] | |
KVSPSACust. / Vend Type19 | Option | OptionMembers: ,Customer,Vendor |
KVSPSAInvoice Currency Code19 | Code[10] | |
KVSPSAInvoiceCurrencyFactor19 | Decimal | |
KVSPSAInv. Discount Amount19 | Decimal | |
KVSPSAInvDiscountAmountLCY19 | Decimal | |
KVSPSAItemLedgEntryNoAdj19 | Integer | |
KVSPSAOriginalJobLedgEntryNo19 | Integer | |
KVSPSAItem Ledger Entry No. | Integer | |
KVSPSAShipCorretion | Boolean | |
KVSPSAManual Invoicing Qty. | Boolean | |
KVSPSAInv. Difference Quantity | Decimal | |
KVSPSAFixed Asset Code | Code[20] | |
KVSPSAFA Total Cost (LCY) | Decimal | |
KVSPSAAllowPostingInvDiffQty | Boolean | |
KVSPSAEntry No. Time Ledger | Integer | |
KVSPSAQuantity unproductive | Decimal | |
KVSPSAPosted Time Quantity | Decimal | |
KVSPSAEmployee No. | Code[20] | |
KVSPSAInvoicing Type | Enum (KVSPSAPspInvoicingType) | |
KVSPSAPerson Responsible | Code[20] | |
KVSPSAJob Account No. | Code[20] | |
KVSPSAInvoicing Quantity | Decimal | |
KVSPSACorrection | Boolean | |
KVSPSACorrection of Entry No. | Integer | |
KVSPSAWork Package Code | Code[20] | |
KVSPSAAssigned Res.-No. | Code[20] | |
KVSPSAAssignedJobLedgerEntry | Integer | |
KVSPSAValue Correction | Boolean | |
KVSPSASurcharge Type Code | Code[20] | |
KVSPSASurcharge Entry No. | Integer | |
KVSPSABudget Line No. | Integer | |
KVSPSAAuto. Corr. Jobtime | Boolean | |
KVSPSABudgetResQty | Decimal | FlowField |
KVSPSAPostedResQty | Decimal | FlowField |
KVSPSAResource Filter | Code[20] | FlowFilter |
KVSPSADocument Line No. | Integer | |
KVSPSAPostedJobLedgerEntryNo | Integer | |
KVSPSARes. Qty in Job Journal | Decimal | FlowField |
KVSPSATo-Do Invoicing % | Decimal | |
KVSPSATo-Do Chargeable | Boolean | |
KVSPSAJob Time Comment | Boolean | FlowField |
KVSPSABudgetline Filter | Integer | FlowFilter |
KVSPSAContact No. | Code[20] | |
KVSPSAPosting Source | Option | OptionMembers: JobJournal,Purchase,Sales,GenJournal |
KVSPSATransaction No. | Integer | |
KVSPSAJob Return Shipment | Boolean | |
KVSPSAJob Return Source | Guid | |
KVSPSAJob Return Target | Guid | |
KVSPSAHGB Total Cost (LCY) | Decimal | |
KVSPSAAddCurrencyHGBTotalCost | Decimal | |
KVSPSAInvoicUnitOfMeasureCode | Code[10] | |
KVSPSAInvoicing Qty. per UOM | Decimal | |
KVSPSAInvoicingQuantityBase | Decimal | |
KVSPSAPhase Code | Code[20] | |
KVSPSATask Code | Code[20] | |
KVSPSAStep Code | Code[20] | |
KVSPSAComment | Boolean | FlowField |
KVSPSAEntryNoJobPaymPlanEntry | Integer | |
KVSPSAEntryNoJobPaymEReC | Integer | |
KVSPSAStartTime | Time | |
KVSPSAEndTime | Time | |
KVSPSAEfficiency Date | Date | |
KVSPSAEfficiency Resource No. | Code[20] | |
KVSPSAEfficiencyUnitOfMeasCode | Code[10] | |
KVSPSAEfficiency Resource Name | Text[100] | |
KVSPSADo Not Find Best Price | Boolean | |
KVSPSANonDeductibleVATType | Enum (KVSPSANonDeductibleVATType) | |
KVSPSANonDeductVATDimCode | Code[20] | |
KVSPSANonDeductVATDimValueCode | Code[20] | |
KVSPSANDOrgUnitCostLCY | Decimal | |
KVSPSAPredefinedPriceCalc | Boolean |
KVSPSAConnectWithBudgetLine() :#
Summary: Call to try to find a fitting budget line and fill the budget line no.
procedure KVSPSAConnectWithBudgetLine():
KVSPSAGetJobBudgetLineStatus() : Text#
procedure KVSPSAGetJobBudgetLineStatus(): Text
KVSPSAGetToDos() :#
procedure KVSPSAGetToDos():
KVSPSAGetWorkPackages() :#
procedure KVSPSAGetWorkPackages():
KVSPSAUpdateHGBCost() :#
procedure KVSPSAUpdateHGBCost():
KVSPSAUpdateInvoiceCurrencyFactor() :#
procedure KVSPSAUpdateInvoiceCurrencyFactor():
KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateTotalPrice(Record Job Journal Line) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateTotalPrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::TableExtension, TableExtension::"KVSPSAJobJournalLine", 'KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateTotalPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterUpdateTotalPrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line")
KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPrice(Record Job Journal Line, Record Currency Exchange Rate, Decimal) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; CurrencyExchangeRate: Record "Currency Exchange Rate"; UnitAmountRoundingPrecision: Decimal):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::TableExtension, TableExtension::"KVSPSAJobJournalLine", 'KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; CurrencyExchangeRate: Record "Currency Exchange Rate"; UnitAmountRoundingPrecision: Decimal)
KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckJobNo(Record Job Journal Line, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckJobNo(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; var SkipJobNoCheck: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::TableExtension, TableExtension::"KVSPSAJobJournalLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckJobNo', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeCheckJobNo(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; var SkipJobNoCheck: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeSetTableView(Record Job Journal Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeSetTableView(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::TableExtension, TableExtension::"KVSPSAJobJournalLine", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeSetTableView', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeSetTableView(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line")