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Extends #437dbf0e84ff417a965ded2bb9650972#Job Ledger Entry


Name Type Note
KVSPSABudget Line No. Integer
KVSPSAJob Account Name19 Text[100] FlowField
KVSPSAResponsibility Center Code[10]
KVSPSATo-Do No.19 Code[20]
KVSPSACustomerNoVendorNo19 Code[20]
KVSPSACustomerNameVendorName19 Text[100]
KVSPSACust. / Vend Type19 Option OptionMembers: ,Customer,Vendor
KVSPSAWorkPackageDescription19 Text[100] FlowField
KVSPSAJob No. Code[20]
KVSPSASurcharge Type Code Code[20]
KVSPSASurcharge Entry No. Integer
KVSPSAAmt. to Recognize Decimal
KVSPSAFA Total Cost (LCY) Decimal
KVSPSAEntry No. Time Ledger Integer
KVSPSAQuantity unproductive Decimal
KVSPSAPosted Time Quantity Decimal
KVSPSAEmployee No. Code[20]
KVSPSAInvoicing Type Enum (KVSPSAPspInvoicingType)
KVSPSAPerson Responsible Code[20]
KVSPSAJob Account No. Code[20]
KVSPSAInvoicing Quantity Decimal
KVSPSACorrection Boolean
KVSPSACorrection of Entry No. Integer
KVSPSAWork Package Code Code[20]
KVSPSAPostedInvoiceLedgerEntry Integer FlowField
KVSPSAInvoice Ledger Entry Integer FlowField
KVSPSAItem Ledger Entry No. Integer
KVSPSALast Adjust Date Date
KVSPSAIn Invoice Suggestion Boolean FlowField
KVSPSAPurch. Inv. Ledg. Entry Integer FlowField
KVSPSAPostPurchInvLedgEntry Integer FlowField
KVSPSAValue Correction Boolean
KVSPSASales Adjustment Integer FlowField
KVSPSAWork Package Changed By Code[50]
KVSPSAWork Package Changed On Date
KVSPSAWork Package Changed At Time
KVSPSATime Entry Comment Boolean FlowField
KVSPSATransaction No. Integer
KVSPSAAdd. Purch. Entry Link Integer FlowField
KVSPSAAddPurchValueEntryLink Integer FlowField
KVSPSASales Adjustment Qty. Decimal FlowField
KVSPSAInvoice Currency Code Code[10]
KVSPSAInvoice Currency Factor Decimal
KVSPSAContact No. Code[20]
KVSPSAHGB Total Cost (LCY) Decimal
KVSPSAAddCurrencyHGBTotalCost Decimal
KVSPSAInvoicUnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]
KVSPSAInvoicing Qty. per UOM Decimal
KVSPSAInvoicing Quantity Base Decimal
KVSPSAOriginalInvoicingQty Decimal
KVSPSAOriginalInvQuantityBase Decimal
KVSPSAChargeable Boolean
KVSPSAInvoiced Boolean
KVSPSAPhase Code Code[20]
KVSPSATask Code Code[20]
KVSPSAStep Code Code[20]
KVSPSAEntryNoJobPaymPlanEntry Integer
KVSPSAEntry No.JobPaymERe-C Integer
KVSPSASource IC Partner Code Code[20]
KVSPSASourceICPartnerJobNo. Code[20]
KVSPSASourceICPartnerBudLineNo Integer
KVSPSASourceICPartnerWorkPack Code[20]
KVSPSASourceICPartnerPhaseCode Code[20]
KVSPSASourceICPartnerTaskCode Code[20]
KVSPSASourceICPartnerStepCode Code[20]
KVSPSAApplies-to ID Code[20]
KVSPSAComments Boolean FlowField
KVSPSAStartTime Time
KVSPSAEndTime Time
KVSPSAFrom Job Adjustment Boolean
KVSPSAOriginalJobLedgerEntryNo Integer
KVSPSAEfficiency Date Date
KVSPSAEfficiency Resource No. Code[20]
KVSPSAEfficiencyUnitOfMeasCode Code[10]
KVSPSAEfficiency Resource Name Text[100]
KVSPSANonDeductibleVATType Enum (KVSPSANonDeductibleVATType)
KVSPSANonDeductVATDimCode Code[20]
KVSPSANonDeductVATDimValueCode Code[20]
KVSPSANonDeductVATAmountLCY Decimal
KVSPSADocument Line No. Integer
KVSPSADimension Changes Count Integer
KVSPSALast Dim Corr Entry No. Integer
KVSPSALast Dim Corr Node Integer


KVSPSACalcNewSalesAmount() :#

procedure KVSPSACalcNewSalesAmount(): 

KVSPSACheckSerialLotNoForCorrection() :#

procedure KVSPSACheckSerialLotNoForCorrection(): 

KVSPSAFillInvQtyFromBackup(Boolean) :#

procedure KVSPSAFillInvQtyFromBackup(WithMessage: Boolean): 

KVSPSASaveInvQty() :#

procedure KVSPSASaveInvQty():